Free Write Thursday prompt Nunchucks

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite Thursday prompt nunchucks by @mariannewest

My brother had some nunchucks, I would play with them or should I say I would bruise my arms with them. I even whacked myself in the head with them. They are not a toy and I should leave them alone. My brother passed away twenty years ago and I ended up with the stupid nunchucks, they sit in a drawl where they will stay, I am too old to be knocking myself in the head and I might break my arm if I hit myself with them.

Today was a pretty uneventful day. I caught another blacktip shark, day before yesterday I caught one. It is rare to catch them in the river and now I have caught two in two days fishing, umm, makes me think we are now going to have them to deal with, and bull sharks, the small coastal are a pain but not as big of a pain as bulls and blacktips.

I did good today I had 45 head of trout but they only weighed 72 pounds, the last day I fished I had 41 trout that weighed 71 pounds. Today's fish were smaller. I caught three snook today, two would have been too small to keep but the third one was legal size but I threw it back thinking the season was closed. When I told my husband I had a legal one he told me the season does not close until tomorrow. So we are having bluefish for dinner when we could have had snook. A comparison is having a hamburger from a convenience store or steak at a fine restaurant. Snook is a white meat fish that does not have the fishy taste, it is so good. Oh well, I just chalk it up as another F-up that I can not have a do-over.

The legal snook that I threw back

Todays catchIMG_20190530_151652.jpg


I wpuld definitely hit myself with nunchucks. I cant even control a frisbee.

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@riverflows I think I did more hitting myself than anything else with them.

At least you were ahead of me and knew what nunchucks were. One could really get hurt with them.
You really have a healthy diet with the fresh fish to eat. I’ve never heard of Snook and they sound delicious.

@redheadpei even when we have had no money we always have dinner. You will never have snook unless you come to Florida and catch one yourself. They made them illegal to sell back in the forties, which is BS, and you only have a 4 inch slot limit to keep one, they have to be between 28 and 32 inches. They want the sports to fight these big fish and then release them, it is a tourist thing!!! nothing to do with how many there are.

Strange rules about the snook fish.
It’s great you don’t have to buy fish at the market but have fresh ones caught yourself. How wonderful to know where your dinner comes from, like having your own garden full of veggies. 😊

@redheadpei yes we never buy seafood, fish, oysters, clams, shrimp, and lobsters all fresh from the sea. And I do have a garden also my husband hunts so most of our meat is fresh. He needs to get a hog we are out of pork.

I have never used or play with those things. Never felt attracted to them hehehe

@blacklux I thought they would be fun to play with but the hurt too much for play.

We didn't have nunchucks growing up. My brother wanted some but it was a big NO from my Grandmother. However my brother and I each had a slingshot 🤔🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️.
Snook sounds absolutely positively delicious...🤗. I do love fish but rarely eat it because it's very expensive here and very difficult to find it fresh.

@annephilbrick slingshots are better than nunchucks, nunchucks hurt. Snook is good it is white meat without a fishy taste. I can not imagine not eating fresh fish. I have thought about how old our fish must be by the time they get to market. They are 3 days old before they get shipped to NY then I do not know how long they hold them. I have seen fish in the grocery stores with eyes cloudy and know that fish is like 2 weeks old.

I would hit myself too. And snook sounds like my kind of fish..

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@mariannewest if you ever get a chance to eat one do not pass it up.

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