Free Write Sunday prompt Several Sightings

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite prompt Several Sightings by @mariannewest

When I was young I saw several sightings but they were all falling stars. I made a wish on each one but do not remember what I wished for or if they came true. My Uncle had a big black rock that he said was a piece of a falling star.

My Dad told me the story of something he saw and could not explain. He said it was an orange round glow in the night sky, he said he watched it for a while, then it was gone.

Many years later my husband and I were in the ocean just before dark, we were headed north towards the inlet not far off the beach. I was looking east and saw what looked like sunrise when the sun is a big red ball, except it was getting dark and this sun thing was also going north. It stayed east of us then made a turn when it did this there were three of them so I guess I saw several sightings and it was like what my Dad said he saw.

I went sandfleaing again today and got another 5 gallons. They are starting to add up in the freezer. So far I have gotten 18 gallons. My goal is to get enough that this winter we do not have to miss fishing because we are out of bait and the biggest reason, I do not have to go to the beach, get soaking wet in the dead of winter.

It even rained on me today, but it was not pouring rain and I was already wet so I stayed. It was also a strange day on the beach, there were no birds.



Aliens!!! Maybe sandfleas are aliens too! :D

@blacklux they look like little alien creatures, but I think we might be the aliens. LOL

Why did I not know you are supposed to wish on a falling star, @myjob? I have seen many and never once made a wish! I am glad you are getting all those fleas. I know how cold it can get where you are. Here is your next prompt for today:

@fitinfun maybe it is a southern thing, I thought everyone knew to wish when seeing a falling star. Thank you for the prompt.

hmm. I wonder what those orange sightings were...

@mariannewest I do not know but have wondered that myself, when they went they were very fast, the thing that really puzzles me is for the longest time it looked like one orange ball then when it turned there were three orange balls. I do not live far from Cape Canaveral, it could have been something NASA was working on. I guess I will never know.

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