Free Write prompt Option

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite prompt Option
When I leave the house every morning I have the option of which way I will go when I put my boat over at the ramp. Sometimes I make the right decision, sometimes I do not. Yesterday I choose to go to the Inlet and did not find anything, so I choose to go on north and I ended up catching 6 pompano that weighed 15 pounds. It is not a great day but for what has been being around here it was a good day. The last three days I fished I started calling them vitamins because I was catching One A Day. I am going to fish tomorrow but they are calling for it to blow and a chance of thunderstorms so having the option of which way to go is out of the question. There is only one place I will be able to fish in that kind of wind and it is not far from the boat ramp, so if a storm pops up I can get my tail off the river. I have a bad habit of if I am catching I will watch the sky and tell myself one more fish, then look at the sky and say one more and I am for sure leaving, then I say ok this will be the last fish KABOOM shit I need to go. By this time my options have run out and I run my little boat under the mangrove trees and end up having to wait out the storm. I would rather do that then get caught trying to cross the river. Lightening is not my friend, I have been caught twice where it hit so close that I could feel the combustion from it,, and we all know what happens on the third time, your options run out.


I love the One-A-Day vitamin fish! Great name for them!

@scribblingramma I do not care for them, I make no money with those vitamins. lol

You don't want the options to run out. No lightening hits!!

@marriannewest Nope, this trout season I promise myself I will not get caught in a thunderstorm. I keep telling myself this. But can I do it? I think they say Florida is the lightening capital of the world.

Let's hope that you can!

That habit sounds familiar I do the same. Not always a good thing to do since I frequently cross my borders.

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@wakeupkitty we are a lot alike.

Hello.. :D ✍
It's great you caught some pompano
But please be safe out there....!!!! ♡

@annephilbrick thank you, I do try to be safe but seems like the fish like to bite right before the storm, and I go into the just one more mode. I have spent many hours under the mangroves.

ahahaha vitamin fish!

You had a great catch with 6 fish and close call with the lightning.

@redheadpei thank you, the lightening was not in the same day, it has happened 2 x's like that, in the last 35 years. It is very scary.

Lightning can be scary. One time I was sitting outside on a deck and it started thunder & lightning . I heard a loud crack that resonated in my ear for a week after.. I thought I was hit. Lightning had hit a nearby trailer and the sound was deafening.

@reheadpei I know what you mean, it is deafening when it hits close to you, one day I was under a bridge waiting on the storm to get over. I was on the north side and could see the lightening hitting the sand on the southwest side of the bridge, it was very loud, I could see it come up out from the ground and down from the sky and meet, I never knew it did this. Also lightening does hit the same spot more than once. It is not something to take for granite.

The last three days I fished I started calling them vitamins because I was catching One A Day. hahahaha! It's funny and sad both. Nice job with this one!

@owasco Thank you again.

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