Free Write Monday prompt Rule

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite Monday prompt Rule by @mariannwest

The one rule that always becomes truth is if it can go wrong it will. Another one is if you say "it can't get any worse than this", watch out because it will. You can bet your bottom dollar on those two sayings.

Some rules should be followed and others are just stupid and then you have the rules that are made just so the government can make more money at your expense. I think these rules are called laws. One such rule, aka law, is the Manatee zones in the river. The big scars you see on their backs are not made by our little kicker boats but by big barges but the government saw a new way to bring in money so they made these rules by making slow speed zones. I can see where someone might hit a manatee in shallow water, if they are not watching where they are going, they should see the signs of one in the water before getting to it. But they have these zones in deep water and the zones are in locations where it does not impact the rich with their big fancy boats. And you might hit a manatee on this side of a sign but you are free to run on the other side of the sign. I guess they think manatees can read and stay in the slow speed zone. We are allowed to run in places but in the same places on weekends and holidays we have to go slow, what kind of reasons did they give the lawmakers for this one. Do we have more manatees on weekends and holidays? It makes my head hurt.

Today as I was approaching the dock where I keep my bait my motor died as soon as I slowed down. I tried several times and it would not start, so I fished the west shore, did not catch anything. I finally got it to start and did a couple of big circles to make sure it was going to keep running but when I slowed down it died and again would not start. By now I was far from shore so I had to row back in and tried fishing a dock, did not get a bite. Messed with the motor and got it to start. I made it to the big flat and slowed down and it died. Once again I had to wait and kept messing with it until it decided to start. I made it to Black Point slowed down and by now, you know what happened. This time I drifted all the way to Hurricane Hole before I got it to start. I said to myself F@*# this and headed to put my bait away, when I pulled up to the dock it quit as I slowed down. I put my bait away and fed them. After about 15 or 20 minutes It started and I was off to the ramp. It died as I pulled up to the ramp dock. After backing my boat trailer down the ramp I rowed my boat to the trailer and winched it on. I usually run it on the trailer.

At home I put a barrow under it filled with water and got it to start, I sprayed carburetor cleaner in the carburetor but that did not help. Then for some unknown reason, I pushed this button on top of the fuel pump, it is what the lever on the choke pushes down when I choke it. When I pushed it, it stayed down and I had to take needle nose pliers to pull it back up. I tested it to see for sure if that was my problem. Every time it was down the motor would not start, up it started each time. I was proud of myself for finding this before my husband got home. I hate having to ask him to work on my motor after he has fished all day. He will work on it but I feel he has worked hard and when he gets home, it is his rest time and the time for him to fix all his crap that broke while fishing. I am going to fish it tomorrow by pulling to button up with the pliers then Wednesday neither of us can fish we have to go see a dermatologist my husband has a worrisome spot on his arm and I have one on my leg. He has the appointment but I am going with him and see if we can get a two for one deal.


If something can go wrong it will. Murphy's Law
That's why I know a person who has plan A, B, C, D ... for any event he plans. I only have plan A, plan B.

@isgledysduarte my husband is the guy with the A,B.C,D plan, I am the A plan and then take it as it comes.

Life its so much better that way ;)

Manatees here are very protected! If you hurt one of them you can go to jail!

@blacklux it is the same here, you are not even allowed to pet them. The slow speed zones they have are a joke, they have them where they don't need them and don't have them where they need them. that's the government for you

I never heard of the idiom: if something goes wrong it will.
I don't think the other one is familiar here either. My father once said: never say it cannot get any worse, it can!
It's true... you can always sink deeper as you have in mind so it is better to think positive.

Laws are made by people behind desks who do not live the real life. Their only job is to find something to make money out (this can be done with or without help of the media or government spots on TV).


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@myjob, you had quite the day with the boat motor stalling. I hope the spots are okay on you and your hubby. 💕

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