Free Write Monday prompt Dog Whistles

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite Monday prompt Dog Whistles by @mariannewest

Do dog whistles work? I have never tried one, I have been lucky to have dogs that come when called. We no longer have a dog. when we lost our Rottweiler my husband took it very hard and he says no more animals, they were very close and we had him for 12 wonderful years. Losing him was hard but to make it worse we lost three pets in a 3 month period. Bear, the rottweiler went first, we had to have him put down. He was not eating or drinking or even walking, he would just lay in one spot, we called the Vet and asked if we brought him there would they do it in the car because Bear hated the Vet. He had a bad experience with a different Vet when he was young. They told us they would do it. He passed with his head laying on my lap. Those were hard words to type.

We took him home and my husband helped dig the hole but told me he could not put him in it, my sister was with us and she helped me wrap him in a blanket and place him in the hole. Our Dachshund Dobie was watching and would not let me shovel the dirt into the hole, he would growl every time I picked the shovel up. I let him stand there and say his goodbyes but after a little while, I had to put a leash on him to get him to move and put him in the house.

A few weeks later I pulled in the yard and did not see Dobie, that is all I am going to say about it. I can still see my husbands face screaming at me as he ran across the yard, I did not know what was wrong until he got to my truck. I cried so hard, I could not stand up. Damnit how can dog whistles bring all this back to me?

A week later my husband came home before me and found our 21-year-old cat laying on the floor, she could not walk. He took her to the Vet and the Vet said she had a stroke, so he had to put her down.

I am not going to leave this post feeling so sad. We are the happy caretakers of our daughter's dog Bash, short for Sebastian. We have him for a week, the house feels so good having a dog in it.

I did not get sandfleas today, my body needed a break from getting them, I even took two naps today. The parts to my reel came so I got it all put back together.




Deeply moving ... brought back memories good and bad for me too... really resonated...

@deeanndmathews thank you, I did not intend to write about that, but that is what came out. It has been 4 years and I still get emotional. I am sorry for bringing bad memories your way.

Don't apologize ... it is always good to know that we are not alone or crazy in going through these things...

@deeanndmathews thank you for such kind words.

Oh it's so hard to put down a beloved pet! I sob and sob uncontrollably. I once lost two beloved cats close together. They were love bugs, always snuggling together, and when the first died, I found the second one dead a week later. He had shown no signs of illness, and I just know he died of loneliness and a broken heart. I can see why this was hard for you to write, I am crying.

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@owasco I believe your second cat passed from loneliness, I think that is why our cat had the stroke she was very close to the dogs. I am sorry if I made you cry and bring back sad memories. Thank you for the prompt.

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