Free Write Monday prompt Ashtrays all over the house

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite prompt Ashtrays all over the house

I miss a lot of things from the past, like having all my kids still young and dependent on me, like having the energy to do all I want to do, like being able to make a living without a bunch of laws on us but I do not miss having ashtrays all over the house. I quit smoking at least 25 years ago. Made my mind up and quit in three days. I know if I took one drag off a cig, I would be back smoking, some days it is hard not to take the drag but I have not done it and made my mind up that I will not do it. My husband smokes but luckily he does not smoke the kind I did, he orders the tobacco in a 5-pound box and buys the cigarette tubes with filters in them, he has a machine that puts the tobacco in the tube. He is trying to quit, It will be nice to not only have the smell gone but no more ashtrays all over the house.

I ran my traps after fishing and got 50 bait, it seems to be the number I can catch or thereabout. But my husband got me 70 bait so with my hooked ones, what I got and he got me, I can fish tomorrow.

Neither of us caught much today, and we did the same thing when we weighed up, we did not know the other one was doing this. I measured my trout to see what I would have if the state goes to the 15 to 19 inch size limit.

This is my catch today, I had 14 trout that weighed 26 pounds


This is what I would be able to keep with the new size limit.


My husband said he measured his trout, he had 42 pounds and with the new limit he would have had 20 pounds. We can not make a living like that. We are done if they pass it.

On a good note, my husband made his fish pie, it is so good.



Congrats on quitting smoking! That's not an easy thing to do, or to stick to. I don't think I've ever had fish pie. Sounds interesting.

@scribblingramma fish pie is something my husband made up he dices potatoes and cooks them, microwaves some fish mix in with the potatoes adds sauteed bell peppers and sour cream, he puts it ina pie shell and tops with bread crumbs and bakes, oh yea, he puts seasonings in iit.

I hope you husband can finally quit smoking

I hope they don't pass that law! Too many laws that only affect the little guys!

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I wonder since you once smoked... what did your kids say about it? Mom smells like cigarettes instead of mom? But most of all: did you save a lot of money in.the past 25 years???


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@wakeupkitty The kids never said anything about it, I guess because they never saw me not smoking, I started at age 16. I do not know where the money I saved went but I never noticed having extra money. I thought the same when we paid off our house, I thought, look at the money we are going to save but we were still poor.

I guess it works like that.
They say raising a child also costs 100,000 still those without children or less I have do not have that amount

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@wakeupkitty we raised 5 kids and we have never had 500,000. Maybe people with that kind of money spend it on their kids, not poor people.

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