Day 763: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: futility

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite Friday prompt futility hosted by @mariannewest

This morning when I came under the US1 bridge a porpoise (they are really bottle-nosed dolphins) got behind my boat and was riding in my wake.


I have seen them do this before, they can get in the wake and it sort of pushes them along without them having to put any effort in swimming, but this one was having a little fun. He went to spinning over and over, he looks like he was enjoying it. In this picture, he is upside down. He must have spun about 10 times before he left the wake, maybe he got dizzy.


We did not catch as many as we caught yesterday but still made a good days pay, we caught 47 pounds, I had 7 pompano and my husband had 20. I even remembered to take a picture of my catch.


Some people say why do I keep going and not catching much, they say it is futility. Futility is a hard word to put in a sentence and that was my attempt at it.


It must have fun to watch the dolphin!!
And it is a hard word and you did well!!

@mariannewest yes it was fun watching, I tried to get more pictures but these two were the only ones that came out good enough to see. Yes, that was a hard word thank you for saying I did it well. I am not so sure about that.

I'm having a hard time with the prompt too @myjob. 😠

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@wonderwop no matter how I tried to phrase it, it did not sound right to me, so I just let it be. lol

I wonder how you make photos while driving that boat. Good catch. 💕

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@wakeupkitty Thank you. I let go of the tiller handle and the boat drives itself. I can go a long way before I have to adjust the steering.

@myjob Okay, now I understand. Still amazing how clear the photo is while you move. ❤️

@wakeupkitty, I am amazed at how good the photos come out while moving, the ones I took of my husband in his boat, I thought would be blurry because we were both moving and they came out good, I paid 20 dollars for my phone, new, so it is not fancy, it is an android, too. I think it takes good pictures

@myjob Yes, that is what I wonder about too. Your camera must be fast. ❤️

It looks a shining day and dolphins are also enjoying the same.

It looks a shining
Day and dolphins are also
Enjoying the same.

                 - freemonster

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

@freemonster yes it was a beautiful day, seeing the dolphin do this gave me a big smile.

That dolphin looks huge!

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@irisworld they are big, sometimes I wonder what they think of man. I am probably glad they can't talk. lol

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