Day 727: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: stone wall

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite Thursday prompt Stone Wall by @mariannewest

Some things in life you can not change no matter how hard you try. But life does not have to be as cold and hard as a stone wall it can be as soft and warm as a freshly cooked marshmallow over a campfire. It is all up to you, in other words, you do it to yourself. I used to have very bad panic attacks and the only way I conquered them was to talk my way through it. I would say what is the worse thing that could happen or what am I afraid of. I found my answers to be nothing, nothing will happen and there is nothing to be afraid of. Life is to be lived not to worry over things you can not change. No matter how bad things get you will make it through it. The bills somehow always get paid and the bad days turn into good days. So sit back have that glass of wine and eat chocolate also give yourself a hug because you got this.

Today neither of us fished. We finally got the rest of the brush that we cut in prep of the hurricane hauled off, it was nice to get that out of the yard. I worked on cleaning up a bunch of plants that were left over from when we had plant sales. My husband stepped up more areca palms, they were in 3-gallon pots and he put them in 7-gallon pots. They will stay in the 7's until sold.

my yellow Alamanda



That's a good philosophy....this too will pass. Often it's the only thing that gets me through the dark times.

@deirdyweirdy This too shall pass is my go-to phrase when life hands me lemons.

I truly understand..!!
I used to have very panic attacks too. ..!!!! It's Absolutely horrible. !!!!!!!
I still struggle with anxiety but it's not and no where as isolating as used to be....🤗😘😊

@annephilbrick my 18 year old granddaughter has it, too. I wish I could help her but she is hard headed, like me, I do not understand why I had them but I am glad I learned to talk myself out of it. She also struggles with anxiety.

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