Day 720: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: garlic breath

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite Thursday prompt garlic breath by @mariannewest

I had garlic in the fridge that had sprouted so I planted it but I did not know that garlic does not like a lot of water and our sprinklers go off twice a day. We grow plants to sell is the reason for the sprinklers. After reading about growing it I am guessing that is why it did not do well. Also, the article I read said not to use garlic from the grocery store, which is what I had. So there will not be any homegrown garlic breath in our house. I love garlic and think if I had a large supply of it I would use it in everything I cook.

I have not made a paycheck since I quit trout fishing which has been a month ago. I have been fishing but have not found anything to catch. One day I had 4 pompano that was my high day. My husband has not been catching anything either. But I will be getting a nice check of 1,205.00 when the fish house gets their money from selling the place. That should be in two weeks.

My husband and I went fishing yesterday he ran to the north I went to the big flat, he came back to the flat and was giving up when he saw me, anchor. He texts me and I told him I saw a pompano boil off my boat, he anchored west of me. I caught three but one was too small, he caught three and one was too small I also caught a permit but I have to throw them back, we can not keep any of them. We might have had a good day if we could have stayed and fished but Mother Nature was in a pissy mood, it had rained on us a few times and that did not run us in so she decided to make the wind blow and blow hard straight out of the north, I would have taken a picture but I was trying to stay afloat. To get to the boat ramp I had to run past it so I was not going sideways to the wind and I could run with the wind to it.

I made it to the ramp, my husband was ahead of me, there was a boat tied to the north dock and my husband tied to the south dock, it is shallow on the south side of the south dock but the water is high so I tied to it. My husband pulled his boat out and I backed my truck down the ramp climbed back in my boat and my husband noticed I was not pulling away to put my boat on the trailer, he walks back out the dock and sees me frantically bailing and I have my bildge pump running, he says what is going on, like he can not see my boat is half full of water, I said I can not get the rope untied and I am FN sinking. I was trying to get enough water out so I could stop bailing long enough to get my knife out of the dry box but water was coming over the stern faster than me an the pump could get it out. My husband told me to hand him my bow line then he took his knife and cut my stern rope from the dock. My boat swung around and the water stopped coming in and I put it on the trailer and was so happy to get it pulled out. If the weather is going to be like that this pompano season I might switch to our bigger boat, I hate to because it burns more fuel and is harder to fish out of but I know it can handle rough seas.


I am exhausted just to read this, @myjob!

@fitinfun I was worried and I was losing ground baling, I was glad my husband came to check on me. He is my hero.

You two are awesome, @myjob. Keep up with the stories!

@fitinfun thank you for reading and the compliment.

I learned some of the care that should be taken to have garlic sown, the rest was a long story. Receive my appreciation @myjob.

@felixgarciap I tried to grow it because the garlic in the fridge sprouted after it failed I googled how to grow it and found all my faults. I would like to hear the long story. Thank you for your appreciation.

What a tough life being a fisherman! (or should I say, fisherwoman?) Which shore are you on the Atlantic side or Pacific?

@mgaft1 There is no Pacific side on Florida's coast, I think you mean the Gulf of Mexico. Anyway, I am on the Atlantic side, about 45 minutes south of Cape Canaveral a little town called Sebastian. Being a fisherman is not an easy job but it is what I love to do.

I didn't know where in Florida. We also have a house in Hollywood, FL

@mgaft that is maybe 2 hours south of me

Yes, I know. Cheers! ))

I like garlic @myjob. It would have been great if you had a nice garden patch of it.
Glad you husband was looking out for you and stopped the water.

@redheadpei what I read on planting garlic is up north they plant it in the fall and harvest it in the summer, so you should be able to grow it. I am thankful my husband came to check on me. Between me baling and the pump pumping, I was losing, more water was coming in than going out.

I am constantly amazed by all the things you do! That must have been a bit scary, not being able to keep up with bailing out water fast enough. Glad your hubby was there to help!

@scribblingramma I was barely keeping up with it but was not gaining any ground he truly helped, I am so glad he came back to check on me, most of the time when we get to the ramp at the same time he pulls his boat out and goes on, somehow he had to sence I was in trouble.

You always have an adventure! I am glad that your husband was there to help you.

From what I learned about garlic growing is that planting time is in the fall. We both are in warm climates and can plant until December. For warm climates, we are supposed to use soft neck varieties. The reason not to plant store-bought is that they could have a virus and infect the soil. But if you plant them in a pot and not use the soil for other things, it is probably fine. And even if they don't grow into large bulbs, the greens are still good. I use them like green onions.

@mariannewest thank you for the garlic tips, I will try to grow them again. I have to plant all my veggies in pots our soil has nematodes

It's a good thing that you can count to each other....

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@isgledysduarte Thankfully he came back to check on me.

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