short story ( why do fairies don't fall in love with human?)

in #freewrite5 years ago (edited)


It was the end of summer and my mother decided to send me far to finish my study. I felt very sad knowing that I'll be far from home. How about my friends, especially Elma? My friends who is always with me to play. Even in her younger age I could tell that she's a beauty. The white conpletion, sparkling eyes, the long nose and it's simple but attractive lips. But what I love of her most except from her beautiful smile is her kindness. I cried when my mother suddenly brother me without telling me where to to. I didn't say goodbye to Elma. I'm so afraid that she will be mad at me. But it was long ago for now. I went away from home when I was on my sixth grade but now I finish the Marine engineering course. I came home right now because before I'll go on board I think I should rest for awhile first. As I visit the tree of Talisay right now it brings back memories. I don't know why it made me sad suddenly. My tears slowly falling like it's missing something. I take a sit in the shore while the tree of Talisay protected from the heat of the sun. It feels very refreshing as the wind blows that made my hair rise up.

"This feeling is nostalgic."

I lie down in thw shore and feel the smole stones and sands in my back. I roll and roll in the shore. I want to those things like before. As I keep on rolling I hit someone. I stand up immediately and said.

"Oops, I'm so sorry."

The woman just ignore me and look in the different direction. I want to see her face because I feel like I wanted to know her. And maybe I'm hoping that it's her, my friend. I made an excuse that she will look into me.

"Really, I'm so sorry, are you alright?"

The woman still didn't look at me and covered her face with it's long hair. I make a different excuse again by walking and walking side by side. Hoping to have a glance of her face.

"This place is really amazing, right?"


While I keep on talking I move my eyes to see her without moving my face. I'm not looking where I walk because I'm too focus to have a glance of her face. I don't understand why she's smiling but she just control her voice to hide it. But I can hear her voice clearly. In my mind it suddenly appeared that maybe she know me and it's fine to approach her aggressively. And it made me annoyed because she keeps on ignoring me. That's why I start walking towards her. When I'm almost near to her I didn't notice there's a stone. I accidentally kick it that it made me fall into her. Yes, I accidentally fall on front of her, she lies down and I'm om top. Our faces are so close and finally I get to see her face. I don't know what to say on that time. My mind is completely blank and I'm speechless. I keep on starring at her beautiful face. I knew I know her, yes there's no other woman that looks so beautiful in my eyes. I hug her tightly as I cried because of happiness.

"Elma....I know it's you. I miss you so much, I'm really sorry that I went away without saying a goodbye. I'm really sorry and I really miss you."

I cry and cry as I hug her tightly. She tap's my head and hug me back.

"It's fine Nair, I knew. It was on the past and now is different."

I let go of her and take a sit. I want to know why she said those words, different.

*Why it's different now Elma?"
"Just don't be surpris, okay?"

She then start talking about what happened to her from the past.

"Actually Nair, I'm not human. I'm a fairy."

I laugh and teas her but then she flies. I was amaze about it, I wasn't afraid because she's still my friend. After I believe her she continues on talking.

"Before I was sti a child and I wasn't aware of our differences. I thought we were the sama and it's alright to make us friends. I thought the world will accept like how you accepted me. But they're not, maybe because when I was a child I didn't show any sign that I'm a fairy."

"No you're wrong Elma, you're still my best friend."

My tears starts to fall again as I listened into her sad stories.

"When you're gone my life was very lonely. I want to play but there's no one for me. I want to play with my fellow fairies but they only said that's foolishness and instead enhance my power. I tried to join also in human but they were afraid of me because of they didn't know where I came from. Then someone saw me got inside in the tree and it turned worst. They're avoiding me. As time passes by my existence into human was fading. I didn't know why they couldn't see me anymore. I had the loneliest life everytime I think of you. Everytime I think of you I just want to be happy and enjoy life. That's why I just accepted the fact that our world is different. But one thing that I'm not sure of. Why you can still see me even if it's too long that we didn't see each other. According to my mother human will forget us if we won't see each other anymore.

I feel like a child losing his favourite toys that will cry nonstop. I keep crying witj a loud voice as the tears continue on falling.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

Words that only came out into my mouth while crying. I blamed myself for that loneliness I give to her.

"If I didn't leave you, you won't experience this kind of sadness. I'm really sorry, I promise I won't leave you anymore."

She cried also and said.

"No, it's me to blame, it's all my fault. please forgive me and give me another chance to be with you always.

"Nair did you know how happy I was awhile ago when I saw you? How can I not forgive you if you're the one who make me feel alive again?"


I hug her immediately so tightly because I'm so happy of what she said.

"I'll bring you into our house and introduce you to my father."

"What are you talking, she couldn't see me."

It's fine, father live here for long and he is already aware of your kind."

We go into our house and introduce Elma to my father.

"Father, this is Elma my girlfriend and I want her to be my wife."

Elma hold my arms tightly because she felt shy. I smiled because of that happening and I'm so happy to see her acting like that. But I can see in father's eyes that she didn't see Elma. He just support me and let me do what I want to do. He see on my face that I'm so happy. He welcomed Elma into our house and live like a true husband and wife.

I promise not to leave her again that's why everytime my mother called and tells me to go on board I ignore her. We spend time being together everyday. When we're outside people look at me differently. I can't blame them they can't see Elma and I keep on talking to Elma. Elma feels worried about how people look at me but I tell her.

"Just forget them, it's the two us are important. Our feelings are different from them because it's me who love you, not them."

I thought my happiness, our happiness will have no ending. I thought I can spend my life forever with her but it turns out that I'm wrong.


As we spend our days together for long, days, month then year. Elma gets weaker that she couldn't stand and continue on lying on bed.

"What happened to you El?"

"Remember what I've told you before? There was lacking into that information, I lied into it because I want to be with you."

I think I understand what she wanted to tell but I refuse to believe it. I lie down into her stomach while crying.

"Please don't leave me Elma."

"It's alright Nair....."

She pat's my head and continue on talking.

"Now I understand why fairies don't fall inlove with human."

"Please don't talk like that El."

I continued on crying and crying, I don't want to accept it.

"I will find a way to make us to be together forever El."

to be continued...

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