Mr Barking And The Robot Dogs (Freewrite Story)

in #freewrite6 years ago

Prompt: Prototype provided by @mariannewest

5 Minute Freewrite Task


“Come and have a look at my prototype. Isn't it amazing,” said Mr Barking.

“Wow, it looks like a real dog. How long did that take you?” asked Mr Wallace.

“60 days,” replied Mr Barking

Mr Wallace is curious.

“60 days. Wow. I'd love to know how you put him together.”

“That is top secret,” replied Mr Barking. “I am the only one who knows how he was put together.”

“He looks so real,” said Mr Wallace.

“Yes, he looks very real. I hope now to get a contract to make a million more.”

“One million? Who would give you that kind of investment?”

“I cannot say,” said Mr Barking. “If I tell you, the contract will be cancelled.”

“Ok then,” said Mr Wallace. “What about this one? Is he vicious?”

“Only if you upset him,” said Mr Barking. “I have an appointment tomorrow.”

“Would you like me to give you a lift?” asked Mr Wallace. “I could take you to your appointment.”

“Thank you for your kind offer,” said Mr Barking. “However, everything is top secret, including the destination. I don't want to jeopardise any deal. This could make me a very rich man.”

“Ok, good luck. Let's hope you convince them that you've made an amazing robot dog “

“Yes, let's hope,” said Mr Barking.


“I might save you some time,” suggested Mr Wallace.

“How might you do that?” asked Mr Barking.

Mr Wallace pulls out a gun and points it at the dog. Without any hesitation, he pulls the trigger leaving the dog lying on the floor.

“What have you done?” asks Mr Barking. He is in complete shock.

“It is a fake,” said Mr Wallace. “You needn't turn up to your appointment tomorrow.”

Mr Barking is frozen and speechless. Mr Wallace turns around as if he is about to walk off.

Then, the silence is broken.

A bark.

Mr Wallace turns around to see the dog on his feet again.

“Congratulations Mr Barking. We will conclude our business tomorrow. Just a couple of formalities, then we'll be good to go.”

“Thank you Mr Wallace. This will change my life. How can I thank you?”

“You can get me a beer.”


All images copyright free from Pixabay


5 Minute Freewrite task conceived by @mariannewest and @improv

Banner created by @ameliabartlett.


I was worried that he would shoot the inventor and just take the dog!

I was worried that
He would shoot the inventor
And just take the dog!

                 - mariannewest

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

I did have a different ending in mind, but I think I would have had every dog lover chasing me with pitch forks.

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