Five minute free write - Fumigate

in #freewrite7 years ago

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Today I got a late start

So I'm gonna kick through all this pretty quick. So much to do and so little time. I saw @mariannewest's prompt this morning, FUMIGATE, and a concept sprung to mind pretty quick. Once again, no idea where it came from. Maybe it's @snook's deep love for zombies that's rubbing off on me, hehe. I had this weird vibe in my head, like Repo Men. Yet again, another questionable dystopian future...I know, lol.

And, as always, dang timer didn't let me get to where I wanted to, leaving the end up to interpretation. Which, I guess is what people are beginning to expect from me, lol.

Without further ado...

'Hey Joe! You got your gear ready?'

Frank chidded his buddy. Backpack already set on his shoulders he made a few adjustments to the long, thin nozzle he held in front of him. 'Yeah, you ass, I do. You're never gonna let me live that day down, are you?'

'Nope. At least not tonight.'

Joe shrugged. Another day, another dollar. He had forgotten to check a gasket...once...just once...and it had almost becomse the worse night of his life, almost his last.

A high five, a quick tandem gear check because no one is perfect as that night reminded both of them. Then they stepped out of the vehicle.

Today's building was no more or no less

Than the hundreds they'd done over the years. Joe and Frank had been partners, well, since the Fall had come. It had bound them together in some weird bizzaro world that resembled their previous lives but was so different.

Stepping forward, they began their sweeps. Not yet to the front door, it was always better to be safe that sorry. A good layer around a place prevented future infections. And this was an infection no house wanted to get.

It was probably a mother/father/kid/dog situation. Somehow the virus had gotten in and...well...done what it was supposed to. The last middle finger of an older generation.

The door was unlocked.

The event had probably happened before dinner, completely unexpected.

Joe wondered, 'why don't people take precautions like they're supposed to?'

Thanks for reading through!

I hope you enjoyed the little piece. Two guys, just another day at work...wonder what the turn was going to be? Was it going to be a literal turn involving zombification, or was there a survivor and some moral lessons coming? I'm starting to get some vague subconscious vibes of, I'd better move on before giving other people too many ideas :)

Happy Monday everyone! If you like to write, give the Five minute free write challenge a try. And, if you're extra daring, do it on The most dangerous writing app. I triple dog dare you ;)


you and your freewrites have started .........not even sure what to call it :D

but I wrote a post about it :D where you can see how my mind works very late at night!!

and I can not read your freewrite above until I do mine but LOVE that you even thought of Zombie's :D so I will return!!!

Excited to see what you write this morning! Been a bit behind on keeping up with everyone, hehe. The never-ending complaint about this place. So much to read, not enough time.

And, yeah, that was crazy to see what that free write spawned. That twist about him being crazy and the years had all passed...then brought back to life, that poor guy. Talk about a hell of a break up. Had me laughing and crying, simultaneously. :)

Agreed on finding the time to read the #freewrites.... Would love to read them all, but never have time! So, I try to do a random selection and some authors whose work I really like..

Best way to do it. Find your faves. Follow them. Check out new authors waiting for more to catch your eye. No way to read it all. :)

Ya very true. That's pretty much my approach now as well... I still feel bad for not reading them all, especially the newbies, who may be struggling to get some appreciation

I love these sorts of themes, I remember a video game called "Metro" that used the dystopian nightmare to frightening effect. This what you have written here could certainly be expanded to a very cool feature length story :)

Yeah, I remember that game! Never got to play it. Always wanted to, hehe.

I believe throwing vinyl records at Zombies can work....,

but throwing vinyl is not allowed.

Ha ha, never throw the vinyl! :o)

That was a nice piece , I really appreciate the commitment you give to writing in such busy day . Lot of things to learned from you :) It would be very bad to ask but check out my latest free if you're free and drop some comment so that I can improve my writing :)

Will do! Thanks for dropping by :)

Lol what did they find in the unlocked door?😫

Muwuahahahahah. Kittens.

Always on the edge of my seat with you sir! As always, great job!! :)

Haha! Awesome :) These 5 minute free writes are becoming some good primer for other material I have in mind.

Awesome! It sure is the best way to open your mind and let go. Wish I couls live that way, at least half the time lol sometimes filters are a good thing!

checks non-existent fish tank
Nope, none of those here :)
Lifes a little better without them. Wait, a lot. Rough edges are personality :)

Lol I have been known to be a bit blunt. I have a filter but only sometimes! Lol

I have no idea why, but that reply reminded me of rolling a joint, lol. One of those days :)

bahahahahaha, I get it, it's cool! I get where you can get that from! Hahaha!

the message within the message, lol :)

Really loved this story :D and where you took it in so short of time :D

Thanks! Creativity was rolling yesterday morning. Not so much today. But that's how it goes :)

definitely is letting us hang here a bit.... :)

Every time you have that feeling...imagine me just outside the scene, laughing a quiet muahahahah, planning my next free write torture :)

an infection no house wanted to get.

Really nice. Good job!

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