Who Told You? | #FreeWrite [Grapevine]

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

'Who told you?'

Is the first question that comes to my mind.
It was quite fascinating when people that you haven't seen for a very long time will make an effort to meet with you just to ask, "Is it true?"

'Who told you?'

That's what I wanted to know, when I heard you talking to my very best friend.
You told her that I did something horrible and it not safe to be friends with me anymore

'Who told you?'

Was what I was trying to say but I can't, because my lips were busted after you slapped me with your bag accusing me of having No shame.

'Who told you?'

I'm screaming inside my head. I'm getting paranoid and terrorized. Everywhere I go, everywhere I look, there is someone who has something to say —a version of what they thought I did and dare.

'Who told you?'

Finally someone cut the grapevine—or so I thought.
He offered some comfort and asked me how I cope.
Gullible as I am, I gave him my last straw.
The very next day, my story became a nightmare show.

'Who told you?' '

Do I really wanted to know? It could be one person or more, it could be a friend or a snake, it could be someone or no one.

Maybe what I would really want to understand is why do we believe in lies so easily? Through the grapevine we believe willingly. The same grapevine who will never told you I was gone.


Why do people do that, why we can't just uplift each other.

What does it gives us?

What does it make us?

“Isn't it kind of silly to think that tearing someone else down builds you up?” ― Sean Covey

* Freewriting- is the practice of writing down all your thoughts without stopping, and without regard for spelling, grammar, or any of the usual rules for writing. It might include a topic (prompt) as a general guide, or it might not.
** Thank you @mariannewest for your initiative to run #freewrite, #freewritepoetry, #freewritepoetrydigest.

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Wonderful! Your post was nominated and listed on our Freewrite Favorite curation post this week at the @freewritehouse

Thank you for participating & Keep up the great freewriting!


My heart so happy, it hurts! I love this community! I love this family!

More Power!

You are really good at this freewriting, @michellpiala! You illustrated the grapevine of how gossips and rumours spread without any validation and how people would come just to confirm a rumour with us, for the sake of some information and be proud that they know the "truth".

I enjoy reading through your thoughts and how you structured them into a great post like this!Keep it up and see you around! :)

That's very kind of you to say @happycrazycon. Thank you so much.

I enjoyed the way in which your writing took me on a moving journey of the gossipy grapevining that can hurt so much!

Thank you @kimberlylane. I appreciate that you took time to read my work. huuugs! <3

This is so amazing. Incredibly intense and emotionally raw. You've done a fantastic job of bringing the reality of the harm and devastation that gossip can bring. What a great freewrite.

Oh, I hate that kind of grapevine!
There's a word in German that I think can describe what you wrote at the end of your nice freewrite: Schadenfreude. It's not easy to translate, but a try could be: "the satisfaction of seeing other people fail or being humiliated".

Here’s the most recent freewrite prompt, so you can keep on writing in this amazing community

Enjoy, and have a good day!

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Who told you? - What a powerful way to state the destruction rumors can cause in a person's life!

You have nailed it, @michellpiala. The way you wrote this piece is interesting. It causes your reader to want to read more. That is the work of the grapevine, often jeapordizes the life of others. We do hope more people learn how to communicate and talk properly and not easily being hooked in lies and rumours.

I enjoy reading your freewrite. :)

What a very powerful post... it definitely hits home everywhere! Well done.

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