Rapacious Criminal...... Hapless child!

in #freewrite5 years ago

Geoff Nebuchadnezzar, a greedy gangster operating in Ghana, returned home gleefully to celebrate his immoral victory over Arthur, another gangster, by thwarting his thievery attempt in a millionaire’s domicile and getting away with their heirloom worth millions.

Unable to tolerate this fiasco, Arthur wanted to retaliate and sent a group of hoodlums to kill him with his family and bring back the money.

Unsuspecting this development, they were merrymaking and all of a sudden, raining bullets torn through his flesh and he died immediately.

His wife Deborah tried to flee with her 6-year-old daughter Angelina when that lethal blow landed on her back, which she evaded alertly and started running for her life with her.
They were running, running and running……in the thick of the night coupled with the nonstop rain. Having exhausted completely, they were forced to hid behind the bushes. One guy from that group noticed them and started attacking them.

Luckily they both escaped again and continued their running spree when that incident occurred unfortunately.

Water, water everywhere. At that fateful moment, Debbie fell into a deep pit, which she didn’t see due to the overflowing water.

Just a moment before, she lost hold of her child FORTUNATELY!

While she was falling down the pit, the final words that strugglingly came from her mouth are…………

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Wow!! Lot's of action there!!

Hope that Angelina will be safe...

Thank you for freewriting with us! Here's the prompt:- Day 471: 5 Minute Freewrite: Sunday - Prompt: queen of hearts.

Thanks again! With love and hugs.


Gong Xi Fa Cai! It will be thr first day of Chinese New Year in another 4 hours! Wish all a Happy Chinese New Year and abundance of health and wealth.

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