Lost (Weekend freewrite)

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Soon, she felt sure of her husband. She knew his dark face and the extent of its passion. When the fine line around his eyes became more pronounced and he lost that ever present faint smile of his, then he was dead serious. They needed to go. Now.
Sure, strange things had been happening for quite some time in their town, but she hadn't thought much of them. Like the other day when she ran into Mrs. Stein in front of the bakery. Or rather Mrs. Stein ran into her as the old lady was walking at a brisk pace, like she was on an urgent mission. When Jennie said Hello, the other woman looked at her as she had never seen her before. She did not answer and she did not stop. Later that day, she'd seen her again, still walking around, but you could tell she was tired by now, she barely moved her legs. People said she'd been taken to the hospital, with her minds completely lost, poor thing. She'd thought of visiting the dear old lady, but nobody knew where she was.
John had been saying this day would come for ages, but the brown survival bag he kept in the garage wouldn't last them more than a day or two. At least, there was plenty of food left at the lake-side cabin. If we make it there, John said ominously.

The cabin wasn't theirs. It belonged to uncle Pete, who spent most of his time in Florida. He'd agreed to let them the small house, on condition they do the dirty work. Like repairing the roof, which they had, thank God for that.
There was no one they needed to tell they were leaving, except Mark. They found him slumped in front of the TV, staring at some girls dancing on the huge screen he'd bought only a few months ago. The sound was muted, so the women shaking their bottoms in total silence seemed more than a bit crazy.
John and Mark had been in high-school together and her husband loved him like the brother he'd never had. He should come with them, he urged, but Mark smiled at them and said:
'OK, have a nice trip you two', before returning to the girls.
John frowned and motioned towards the door. No time to lose.
A black van was parked further down the road and as they drove past they caught sight of two men in some sort of dark green uniforms, escorting an old guy still in his pajamas to the car. The old man kept looking around him as if it he had no idea where he was.


They were not yet out of town when they remembered about Jimmy and the fact that he had a riffle, which might come in useful under the circumstances. They had to call three times before Jimmy picked up and told them he was busy helping Charlene to prepare some of the meal. Charlene had been dead for two years now. John had always been tough, but now he was scared. Whatever was happening, it was going very fast.
She'd never paid much attention to his long-winding rants about pollution, radiation and whatever. Not that she didn't believe him, but it all sounded so complicated to her. And it made her feel stupid.
They'll stay at the cabin until this thing blows over. Come back in a couple of weeks and see if it's safe to go home.
It was getting dark outside and still they hadn't made it out of town. That's weird, she realized.
John had his eyes on the road and the hands clenched on the wheel. He did not answer when she asked what was taking so long. He looked at her with a blank stare, just like old Mrs. Stein the other day.
Maybe she could convince him to let her drive, they could still make it to the cabin.
As if answering her secret prayer, John stopped the car. A black van was blocking the road. Two guys in green uniforms came forward. Strange, she'd never seen this kind of uniform before.

Story written for @mariannewest's freewrite challenge. New prompt every day. Check out her blog.
Image: Unsplash


The survivalist husband sounds like someone I used to date. I love stories like this. There is so much potential going forward if you choose to do so. I really like what you have going here so far.

You've me on the edge of my seat here Marie-Jay! What's happening to everyone and what is up with those men in the green uniforms? Also, is there ever a case where a black van is a good thing to see? (Brisby politely clasps her hands together and begs for "more please"!)

Attention Freewriters! Today's prompt is flying on a flag down at the Rec Center. Inside, there's a fierce checkers competition happening between Gil Fishe and a pangolin (who rolled in, demanded a match, and never gave us his name). Come pay us a visit and place your bets! (FYI, I've $20 on the pangolin.)

Freewrite Day 170 - health

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