
No, we sure don't! But want to or not it looks like we are going anyway. It really angers me when a small group of people get together and take it upon themselves to make decisions that will have ramifications on the whole world. That kind of arrogance should not be tolerated in politics, or science or anywhere else. Things that pose a grave danger or an extreme turn from what is considered normal should be open to public debate!

Agreed. And it really scares me that we really don't know what it is in our food. I do raise and eat my own chicken - and eggs. and try to grow a garden and buy organic - but still. Corn for example - it gets wind pollinated........who knows what the wind brought along..... so very frustrating. we have so many examples of science not getting it right - but there is that incredible arrogance that you are a dumb sh...t if you are against GMO for example. Arrgh.....

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