
Nope it's just here - on so many posts you would not believe it. I am not promoting them now with this garbage on them, but apparently you can mute the spammers on steempeak, tweet from there, and then the spam does not show. I have not done that yet but will start if this keeps up. The problem then is keeping up with who they all are so you mute them all.

They are legion.
Luckily I've not had to try muting them myself - someone else has been quicker on the draw than I am. (me, figure out how to mute anyone -as if)

No kidding! I tried using my vast power to downvote a few days ago and the comments did not disappear. I have no idea what I'm doing and if you mute - they can still be on your post or comment and you will not even know.

We really should not have to be learning this. The whole thing is a disgrace and poor use of power we all wish we had.

You're right. I don't even know how to downvote a comment. I have seen "report" a comment. What a disgrace! Abuse of power, poor use of power.
Now, what's this, you claiming to have no idea what you're doing?? Ha! you know so much more than I do! Thanks for this.

I only know what I know and find out new stuff all day long. Sometimes it is in one eye and out the other :)

Well, you come across as waaay more knowledgable and tech savvy than you'll admit. I detect excess humility here! :)

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