Stetson - 5 Minute Freewrite Day 82 [ENG/ITA]

in #freewrite6 years ago

an old Stetson
spots of sweat and dust of a hundred years
it stinks of death, a bullet hole
broken boot, it sounds of rattlesnake
ah... once here it was all Painted Desert
when the world was young
and one could run at breakneck speed until the horse had strength
between the Ben Gulch gold mine
and the legs of the Calumet City dancers
in the screen of a CRT TV
my brother was an Indian as usual
the wise sachems that mumble wisdom and divine sage of the Great Spirit
they don't exist anymore
the answers I had when the Winchester sang with a chorus of coyotes
but the sky was a leaden black, with myriads of stars and a moon
like a Texan silver dollar
now it's all cultivated, fenced, the cows flow in orderly and sad herds
childhood has eroded the valley like the Rio Grande
Only strange colored striped rocks remain of the imagination


[italian version]

un vecchio Stetson
macchie di sudore e polvere di cent'anni
puzza di morte, un buco di proiettile
stivale rotto, suona di serpente a sonagli
ah... una volta qui era tutto Deserto Dipinto
quando il mondo era giovane
e si poteva correre a perdifiato finché il cavallo aveva forze
tra la miniera d'oro di Ben Gulch
e le gambe delle ballerine di Calumet City
nello schermo di un televisore a tubo catodico
mio fratello faceva l'indiano come al solito
i saggi sachem che biascicano saggezza e salvia divina del Grande Spirito
non ci sono più
le risposte che avevo quando il Winchester cantava con un coro di coyote
ma il cielo era di un nero plumbeo, con miriadi di stelle e una luna
come un dollaro d'argento texano
ora è tutto coltivato, recintato, le vacche scorrono in mandrie ordinate e tristi
l'infanzia ha eroso la valle come il Rio Grande
della fantasia rimangono solo strane rocce a strisce colorate

This post is part of the 5 Minute Freewrite Contest.

This is also done with The Most Dangerous Writing App and only a little editing for typos.

All images are my own unless otherwise cited.

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Wonderful! «una volta qui era tutto Deserto Dipinto»… LOL!

Ultimamente mi ricorre spesso il pensiero nostalgico dell'infanzia perduta

Nice freewrite!

Standing in for Marianne today with the link to the latest freewrite

Thank you, I'll do it right now!

I have lived in English for a long time now and still can't do poetry. Respect!

Maybe my bad English sounds like poetry because of the unusual words association

Marco. get on discord and send me a friend request. We can only do a group DM between friends :)

One day I will remember to do it, promise!

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