Spiritual Ego! A Big Contradiction... 5 minutes freewrite...

in #freewrite7 years ago

Me on a beach in colombia... the text says in spanish "you don't have a soul, you are a soul, you have a body" author C.S.Lewis.
I've been traveling for 4 years now and i often stay in hippie "spiritual" little towns... My biggest experience is in San Marcos, la Laguna, lake Atitlan, Guatemala...
I got here 2 years ago planning to stay 3 or 4 days and ended staying 3 months... I came back 2 more times, for 3 months and now for 6...
This little town at first sticked me as full love and peace vibes... I use to call the main little street "the hug street" after a few weeks here it's impossible to walk 100 meters without walking into people you know and "love"...
Almost everyone here does yoga, meditation, chakra alignment, some kind of massage or any kind of esoteric, mystic and spiritual thing... Cacao ceremonies are everywhere... It's beautiful and intense.
After a while i got to know most people around and i started realizing that there's a lot of contradiction.
I think if you're really spiritual and enlightened you don't need to show it and be proud of it. You just are, you just have inner peace and you enjoy helping others.
One example was this specific guy, i'm not gonna call names but this guy its always smiling, always a huge smile and he tries to show that he's above the normal mortals... One day i was just sitting on the dock and i hear someone shouting and cursing. I turned around and i saw this same guy walking with a tray full of things that were falling every two steps... The contradiction is that someone with inner peace would not get mad and unstable with such a small thing... don't you think so....
With some other people you get that face... that face that clearly expres "I know better than you on any subject you wanna talk about"... please... you really think you're spiritual and superior at the same time?
So many people finding truth on so many different things and just closing themselves to all the rest... My way, may not be the best way, but it works fine for me. Always question everything you believe in... if you stop questioning you fossilize. You stop learning and growing. Isn't life all about improving ourselves and the people who surround us the most we can before our time is gone?
So, please, if youre reading this and you feel that you're better than the rest... maybe you should take a little time to question yourself.
We are all the same, try no to judge so much, try to control your ego, and most important of all, remember that words are powerful. If you tell someone positive things you can change their lives in a good way but be careful with your criticism, you can destroy other people's egos and make them quit something they really enjoy, even if they are not so good at it...

***** text and photo are mine ***** (the sentence on the image belongs to C.S.Lewis I quoted him over the photo)

thanks for reading, follow or upvote just if you really like!


i feel this one on many levels...cheers for that!

Hey Buttcoins!!!
the guy below this comment is Nail! ouw volunteer friend and great poet! :)

Well written bro and yeah this town has a fair few of them around!

hope you keep visiting my posts when you're a famous poet here! :)
BTW the guy of the above comment is Bryan!

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