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RE: We-Write...I Write...You Write?!

in #freewrite6 years ago

“So, just give me the basics,” she barked at him.


“Man up soldier!” she yelled at his face. A little spittle flew between her yellowed teeth along with a piece of broccoli, both landing firmly on his glasses.

His fevered brain couldn’t make heads or tails of what he’d just seen, and he certainly couldn’t wrap his head around why she called him soldier. They were both tourists visiting the Eiffel Tower on the same day. He had never met this gigantic woman before in his life. He regretted being the only English speaking person here.

He swiped his glasses off with the cuff of his sleeve, leaving streaks behind.

“Well, what do you think it was? What was that big boom just now!?”

“It looked--” he began not wanting to believe his own eyes. But as he tried to finish his sentence, a large shadow covered the clear blue sky. They both turned to look towards the heavens. His knees trembled as his worst fears were coming to life.

—¡Ahhhh! Dios mío, fue un sueño espantoso —gritó el hombre al despertar muy sobresaltado.
Había soñado cosas horribles antes, pero esta las superaba a todas y por mucho. No entendía por qué ese sueño recurrente, esa obsesión por esos dientes amarillos y esa voz militar de mando tan odiosa. El escupitajo de brócoli era algo nuevo. Se le estremeció el cuerpo de tan solo recordarlo.
Pero aquella sombra que los cubrió de repente era lo más intrigante de todo. Se supone que estar parados en aquella torre era algo romántico, idílico, pero ¿Acaso anhelaba tener un encuentro así con aquella mujer? Quizá por eso la sombra misteriosa que aparecía en el cielo interrumpía su sueño. Una reacción de defensa de su mente ante tal angustia.
Se sentó a un lado de su cama y echando mano a sus gafas las revisó para ver si la mancha estaba allí.
De pronto una voz lo conmocionó y le hizo pensar que aún estaba dentro de aquella pesadilla. Que el más básico temor de alguien se estaba cumpliendo en él. Desde Las afueras de su habitación escuchó aquel grito odioso:
—¡Vamos hombre soldado! No tenemos todo el día.
Sintió que el aire le faltaba y el corazón le latía más de prisa, corrió para asomarse a la ventana y justamente miró aquella sombra misteriosa en el cielo, que lo cubría todo a su paso. Se desmayó en el sitio, y sus gafas se rompieron al caer.


3 @latino.romano

Google translate:
-Ahhhh! My God, it was a dreadful dream, "shouted the man, waking up very startled.
I had dreamed horrible things before, but this one surpassed them all and by far. I did not understand why that recurrent dream, that obsession with those yellow teeth and that military voice of command so odious. The broccoli spit was something new. His body shuddered from just remembering him.
But that shadow that suddenly covered them was the most intriguing of all. It is supposed that standing in that tower was something romantic, idyllic, but did you want to have such an encounter with that woman? Maybe that's why the mysterious shadow that appeared in the sky interrupted his dream. A reaction of defense of his mind before such anguish.
He sat on the side of his bed and reaching for his glasses he checked to see if the stain was there.
Suddenly a voice shocked him and made him think that he was still inside that nightmare. That the most basic fear of someone was being fulfilled in him. From the outskirts of his room he heard that hateful cry:

  • Come on, soldier man! We do not have all day.
    He felt that the air was missing and his heart beat faster, ran to lean out the window and just looked at that mysterious shadow in the sky, which covered everything in its path. He fainted on the spot, and his glasses broke when he fell

I loved this! I like how it was a dream after all but then it turned into reality. Thanks for writing!

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