To Travel or Be with Sheep?

in #freewrite6 years ago

Twelve days or so since writing here, and two since I made it home, yesterday spent head bent down with a terrible headache. Towel is the freewrite prompt and I immediately think of fluffy, terry fresh from the dryer, Downy Fabric Softener commercials, a smiling mom, wrapping up soft, little baby’s arms, ad campaigns harnessing the power of teddy bears and fair-fluffed lambs.

Just last night, I used two properly product-softened dish towels to soak up, by stepping on, repeatedly, with all of my weight, the wet spot, not visible on forest green carpet, but found instead by barefoot feeling, a canine urination catastrophe. Spraying the Shout it OUT and scrubbing back and forth, my pulsing skull collapsing in around my eyes, I blubber to my son, “I bet he was peeing on the floor at the kennel while we were gone and now he thinks that’s okay.”

“Now, what if this is the norm,” I rhetorically ask?

We really couldn’t take him, his new meds and the frequent need for pee breaks, the heat would have done him in, black-fur, him used to rain-shadowed-land, I can’t imagine his geriatric paws sizzling on the 110 degree melting asphalts along 1-84 East, the moon sands and fire ants, the blinding buzz of sun, semi-trucks rocketing by, their roiling thunderous wheels and deathly wakes of wind. He really was better there at the shelter, following the sheep, peeing on the cold cement when no one came to open the back door.

Photo Credit: Ardiss Hutaff/unsplash


I've had that horrible head pulsing feeling while cleaning up dog pee before. Even worse: cleaning up kid vomit while nauseated. Oh, the torment.

Geez, I can't imagine cleaning puke while being sick. I think in those cases here I've made my partner do it. Don't have one now, so hopefully it doesn't happen again ;)

Yes, is definitely better to tag-team in those situations :) My husband is always working, so it's usually on me. A shame, because puke doesn't bother him a bit.

God willing, your child is old enough to hit the trashcan.

Yes, mine are all old enough to get to the toilet or clean up their own. I can't imagine them agreeing to clean up mine, so we'll just have to do our own ;)

man you trickd me! thought you had been shearing and had a wild story to share 😂🤣😂🤣😂

Hey, eaglespirit!
No wild sheep stories, but I guess I could write about my adventures in running over a rock and ruining the underbelly of my car.
Hope you've been well :)

I found a wet spot yesterday and this morning, well, it was a large smelly catastrophe involving the crate. Enough that a bottle of Febreze sprayed around the room failed to negate the scent. Don't you just love pets? ;-)

Here is today's freewrite prompt:

Sounds awful, wordy!

I have found dog pee places just like that too - not a real fun way. Actually, there is no fun way to find dog pee in the house...

No, there isn't. We've had him thirteen years now and he's not been a pee in the house dog at all, but he's on diuretics now so we have to take him out a lot.

Have you considered getting those indoor bathroom pads for him? I ended up caging mine when I wasn't home because one of them was too lazy to go out - even when the door was open...

Yes, I think that's probably what they were using at the kennel. So far no more accidents, but I do have to take him out frequently. He's an old dog and a sweetheart and hopefully no more carpet peeing ;)

I hope for you!!! it is so hard to get the stink out and once it is in, they think it is their place to go...

I admire your willingness to keep up with all that dirty messes and smells. I cannot really be proud of me as I avoid all animal smells, having no dog no cat no nothing. I would like though, but don't want to cage them here in this small apartment in a big city.

My teenager beast (son) though provides me now with some more intensive smells and I myself am producing different odors as I become older. HaHa! Menopause ...

I don't like sharp smells either! And, if I were myself alone would probably not have a dog/cat, at least not one in the house, but my children begged and he's been a pretty good little dog, a poodle mix so no shedding.
Oh, ode to the smells of the varying hormonal cycles!

Oh dear, what a dreadful combination: headache and doggie accidents. I hope your headache is gone, and that your dog doesn't get into the habit of peeing on the carpet!

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