
Ben is our kinda guy! Clearly a connoisseur of that most luscious of fruits, the banana!
~The Banana Collective 🍌

Did he learn the lesson?

I would hope so! :D
Being a non-spicy-tolerant person myself, I don't think I would risk Claudia's wrath again! ;)

oh my god, now that's what i call revenge. Poor guy, although he kinda deserved it. having fruit in your hair's just gross :D

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Thank you for today's prompt! :)

(I had egg in my hair once... I was told it would be good for my hair, and I'm sure it is, with all the proteins and what-not, but I would never do it again. No fruit in there either.) :D

haha that's exactly what I was thinking about when I commented. I've done the egg hair mask thing too a few times and the first time, it came out really beautiful, but after that, I don't know what I did, but it was a complete mess lol

Now you make me want to try banana with chili... will it be so bad?

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I'm sure if prepared with care, chilli and banana could go nicely together - I just googled a few interesting recipes at any rate! :D One with a spicy passionfruit sauce that sounds rather nice...

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