
Yep, the world is too bloody noisy. I can barely cope in built up suburbs never mind higher density, I think it literally drives me insane. I don't know how the people I know cope. Lack of filters doesn't help, hm maybe that's how they cope XD My sister loves shopping and always drags me through these giant crushes of people but she knows when to bribe me with ice cream XD

I can't even imagine how it feels to live in an overcrowded city! I'm on the outskirts of a little country town of 11,000 people! xD It's still too noisy. Need a little property out woop woop :D Back to basics. And away from bogans screaming at each other down the street at 2am. Uggggh.

I’d have to agree with you. It seems impossible to drown out the noise these days even to get a second to collect your thoughts.

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I could have sworn it was you!

And I love that you looked this up and got the meaning of exhausted. In my mind, it was whacking your way through the wilderness - which is also a meaning for bushwhack LOL

I might have 😂 i don't know. I barely remember what I said yesterday! Either way, I sure feel bushwhacked. I like the word!! Will need to use it more often. 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

You are welcome LOL A new word to pass on to your children and their children 🤪

This might shed some light.
@carolkean/ @kaelci
Tomaito / tomartoe....
Maybe similar when said out loud several times really fast...

It was you!!! I am so sorry!! Going to give you credit!!! Arghhh. I need to write things down right away - my brain has too many memory holes.

Thank you for inspiring such an awesome prompt!!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Not so much me as @carolkean
I just dribble on, it was her idea to use it as a prompt.
I just overshared a misspent youth story in commentary. lol

Love it - now, I need to go back and find out what happened in your misspend youth LOL

How is your house working out - I hope no more floods!

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