Day 203:5 minute freewrite :Thursday Prompt:back pain

in #freewrite6 years ago

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Sometimes when I spend a lot of time sitting in front of the computer it gives me back pain, in my old job it happened to me What I did while working in the office, I got up from my chair and went to look for water or a coffee, I walked down the hall.
Or I went to the cubicle of some of my co-workers to talk a few minutes, this was done to not stay a long time sitting in the same position and I will end up hurting from the back.
Since it really was an uncomfortable situation and when I happened to end up taking a pill and placing cream on my back.

Imagen taken of:


Me too, in front of a computer, can stress the back. Time to stretch it or stress it.

:) yes.. Is very bad...

As an office worker myself I l know how this feel XD This is why My Boss refuse to put a left in the office, so workers will get exercise from climbing up and down 4 floors of the building everyday. But it;'s not helping me now ever since I moved to the first floor and just became too lazy to walk around.

Goodness...back pain is so uncomfortable. Have you ever tried Yoga?

📬I've come not only as a friend, but as a deliverer and party inviter too! Here is today's prompt!


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