Yard Sale - Freewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago

I think most people have had the pleasure of selling a few things.

You can take things to the pawn shop if you want to or you can have a yard sale....... or a garage sale.

Of course a yard sale and a garage sale are essentially the same thing except that a garage sale mostly takes place in a garage.

When you pass by a house and the entire front yard is strewn with various sundry articles of clothing and high chairs and tables with knick knacks all over them then you are looking at a yard sale.

Source: Giphy.com

Most people aren't really interested in selling their things. I'm not necessarily saying that we are a nation of hoarders, but honestly if you didn't like the things in the first place you wouldn't have bought them.

When people sell things it's usually because their partner is not interested in having the house cluttered up. At least that's how it was for me when I had my first sale.

Each individual item was important to me and I felt like individual items should be selling for a very high price.

My partner disagreed.

Fortunately I had already been through a similar situation 10 years ago before.

A friend of mine had decided to sell quite a few of the toys that he had growing up.

Included among these toys were several boxes of Legos. When I say several I mean lots, and lots, and lots of boxes of expensive Legos of every imaginable type.

A man came by looking for whatever he could get for a good price.

My friend went inside to use the bathroom but his wife stayed outside looking to sell this book, and that teddy bear, and this toy, and the other toy.

She sold the man all of the boxes for $5.

They were easily worth several hundred of dollars....... if not thousands of dollars.

My friend was extremely upset and his wife could never understand.

To him they were his cherished childhood toys but to his wife it was all garbage.

Of course when he was finally able to show her how much they were actually worth guess who got in trouble?

That's just the way it goes I guess.

I've never really enjoyed having yard sales but I do like going to them.

I think I'll check to see if I can find anything interesting at a yard sale this weekend.

This contest is hosted by mariannewest



man , i could connect with you , I love my things most and wouldn't allow anyone to sell . The little happiness we get by seeing our childhood things when we grow up or become older would be incomparable and cannot be replaced with any happiness . Thanks for sharing the article and making me nostalgic . Keep up the good work . Waiting ecstatically for you many more writings :)

If I had my choice I probably would have never sold anything ever. But if that happened I would have a house absolutely full of stuff.

I had a parent once explain to me that he treats his LEGO pieces like coins when he’s vacuuming or sweeping.

He told me how he used to just sweep everything up until he realized he was throwing away his own money.

Lego pieces should definitely treated like coins. Legos are one of these most expensive things out there.

My now son in law gave a whole lot of legos we gave him away as well. I was not too happy...

I tried to buy some a few years ago and I was absolutely amazed at how expensive they were.

I like to find any kind of books in yard sale.

I agree. It's usually great to find a big box of books and buy the whole box. Sometimes you can even resell them to bookstores.

This is an interesting write up. Sometimes the things we love, we later get tired of it. And we might not be in need of them again. Thanks for the share

This is also true but you should be aware of the price of the item that you sell. A lot of times something that might not have been worth much once will be worth a lot in the future.

You are right bro!

from my point of view,even if you are bored of something you bought years ago i can't find a good reason to sell it.you can always pass it to your little brother or your little cousin.i tend to get emotionally attached to items i bought years ago.and f i try to sell it's like sell a part of myself

I feel the same way. I never want to get rid of my things!!! If we did have a yard sale, I imagine it would take up the entire yard! :D Thanks for sharing.

Definitely. Thanks for your comment.

love to read it. thats pretty cool to know .
thanks for sharing

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