Fool - Freewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Most people don't realize when they are being foolish.

How many ways can a person act foolish?

Well, for a man, I can tell you that the main way involves women.

Men tend to be easily fooled by attractive women.


If an attractive woman shows interest in a man he will immediately think it's because he's either smart, funny, attractive, or any other reason aside from the obvious.

Now, of course sometimes a woman is attracted to a man for the reasons listed above. However, being that I work in a restaurant I see many of our servers pretend to be attracted to men to get good tips.

In particular, we had a server named Brittany for a long time. She would hit on every man that came into the restaurant. She would string people along and make everyone think that they were going to get to go out on a date with her..

Some people actually did get to go out on a date with her and then they started tipping her a great deal of money so I often wondered what exactly happened on those dates.

Her boyfriends would come and go frequently. She had many. Every new boyfriend always thought that they were going to get married.

She seemed to think that too, for about a week, before she slept with somebody else. She was fooling those guys but I think was also fooling herself.

She was really difficult to work with because everyone always knew that if a guy walked into the restaurant she would immediately go up to them and have them fall in love with her.

Before long they would probably start tipping her hundreds of dollars before they never came back into the restaurant again. It was absolutely horrible for everyone.

I think the lesson is if somebody is immediately into you for reasons that are not obvious, they are probably trying to fool you.

If at any point there is an exchange of money then they are definitely trying to fool you.

Don't be a fool.

Don't get tricked by someone that wants you to act foolish.


This is funny. I'm the exact opposite. I always assume people are nice to me because they want something in return. But, that's my complex. It's healthier to be somewhere in the middle.

Of course, so am I. However the general public are easily taken in.

What a smart idea! Good job ♥ @jeezzle

Thank you.

I believe people who are easily fooled this way are people who don't get attention. People who don't get attention would pull the world down to hold on to the attention they have got. And brittany is definitely fooling herself too, no doubt.

Keep steeming,

You could be right. I definitely think she was fooling herself.

You're right actually this type women's is also fooling herself. I didn't understand why did like this.

Thanks for your comment. I'm not sure why.

Coincidentally i just did a freewrite over something similar.
I think it's easier said than done. Some have little control over their inclinations and would move wherever their heart steers them.

That is also true.

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