Canal - Freewrite

in #freewrite7 years ago

Working as a detective on the Canal Squad was one of the hardest jobs I've ever had.

You see....... in order for us to catch a criminal we have to make sure we grab them while they are still somewhere in the water.

If there's a bank heist near a body of water.......

If there's trouble near a river or a lake.......

All you've got to do is call the Canal Squad.


I'm Nick Murphy and I've been working this beat for the past 10 years.

The canal is no easy gig.

It takes years of training to be able to maneuver the hovercrafts.

Aiming your gun while sliding backwards on one of our special vehicles is a particularly difficult move.

I can still remember my first case.

She was only 15 years old but she was already a hardened criminal.

She'd been in and out of Juvie for multiple beatings...... but she was too young to be locked up for good.

This time she murdered a clerk at a local convenience store on the waterfront.

"Canal Squad 5.... do you copy?"

That was the first call that I ever got. I had never even fired my gun before.

The chase lasted over an hour.

It's fortunate for me that she never thought to jump onto the sidewalk and run out into the street because then I would not have been able to catch her at all.

When I finally brought her into the station in my hovercraft I was given a commendation on the spot.

Canal 5 was already looking to be a good unit.

So if you've got trouble, and you're somewhere on the water, be sure to call me.........

Nick Murphy.

I'm with Canal 5 and I'll make sure you don't get wet.


That was quite some feat, to be able to chase and catch a criminal is a big deal. Keep up the good work.

I loved this! I enjoyed the different take on the freewrite. It's amazing how creative everyone is!

Would love to hear more about the chase; but five minutes are five minutes and the rules are rules!

I might make this into a full fledged story later...... but it won't be a freewrite in that case.

Sometimes freewrites are just the beginning of a story. They can be the inspiration. That's why freewrite is important I suppose

A great write good to know its safe by the canals

You made it sound easy catch but i guess it wasn't I have the feeling that you must have been very stressed as this was your first case,right?
Nice story there

It really tested my skills as a canal detective.

Indeed been a detective is not an easy job as it involves a lot of risk Knowing fully well that the bad guys are out there ready to do whatever it may cost them to run freely without been caught, and they are really ready to shoot if necessary.

Can you do another chapter of the same story tomorrow in free write?

I could probably make another chapter of this story but it wouldn't exactly be a freewrite in that case. Nevertheless I just might give it a shot.

WOW. I really liked this fiction.

The chase lasted over an hour.

It's fortunate for me that she never thought to jump onto the sidewalk and run out into the street because then I would not have been able to catch her at all.

Lolz! That had me chuckling away :0) Really like the style of this, I'm going to search your timeline for some more!


Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. I do a free write like this every night.

Och, silly me, I didn't c&p properly, I was talking specifically about that line, pure class! I've amended now :-)


That was entertaining.

That hardened criminal would get “life as a juvenile” she’d be in jail until she was 22 or 24 can’t remember the exact age.

Glad I stopped by :)

That part of the story is interesting.

When's the movie coming out @jeezzle and who's playing Nick Murphy? My money is on Liam Neeson :) That was a really enjoyable freewrite..

Liam Neeson is a good choice. Leslie Nielsen would have been a great choice too..... if only he was still with us.

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