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RE: Magnifique [5MinuteFreeWrite]

in #freewrite7 years ago

Magnifique! Job well done for me then. As I was writing this, I kept thinking "What would Boom Meister not expect?" I'm glad that you didn't have a clue! Whew! I was careful not to leave any teases, and I'm glad I caught you by surprise ;)

It was a photofinish, too! Perhaps I shall endeavor to write under 10 minutes next time so that I won't bruise Le Brain. Write one as well, dude! I know you're going to put on a show with this one!


Hehe, I will have to check it out as I did not even know there was such a thing!

Do so, dude. Do so. I, for one, cannot wait to read a Boom version of a FreeWrite. I just know it'll blow me away!

Or just waft against you gently, so much so that you think. Waht was that?

Somehow I did feel that when you screamed that ungodly wail when your little lady harumphed you in the nethers the other day. Ahh! Finally! That's what's been nagging at my brain all this time! Haha! I forgot to include that in my earlier comment.

Hehehehe, yes, what a wail it was. I think the earth shook. Yes. It definitely shook!

It definitely did, dude! One might argue that it was off-the-charts, since the Richter scale didn't even return any accurate measurement. That means it was immeasurable!! :O

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