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RE: Beware: The Sound of Sirens

in #freewrite5 years ago

haha! howdy sir Glen! Another brilliant writing job on this freewrite! man, you have a great imagination and then the ability to write what you come up with in such a clever and funny way! This was great sir Glen.


This was a little more on the dry side, so I'm glad you enjoyed it, @janton. Taking a song that's 50-ish year's old probably wasn't the best thing, and then making a few political jabs throughout probably didn't help, either, but, anyway, it kept me entertained, and mostly, that's what I end up doing, since I never really know whose going to see what I wrote, whether they're going to like it/get it or not, and then interact with it.

Unlike the pineapple prompt, this one popped straight into my head to do with the lyrics. I'm not sure why, but if anyone says anything remotely similar to a song lyric I know, that's where my mind goes. It doesn't happen so much that it gets out of control, but I do have to restrain myself from breaking out into song on occasion.

It's been kind of a strange and silly week for me as far as posts go. The last one I did yesterday is probably the most over the top, but has the fewest words. It will be interesting to see what you think of that one. :)

sir Glen! oh now I'm anxious to see the newest one! "but I do have to restrain myself from breaking out into song on occasion." lol...that sounds like a serious problem there, depending on where you are when you get hit with that urge.
Well, probably most people reading that post would have no clue about the song but it was very familiar to me.
That's along time ago when you stop to think about it!

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