5 Minute Freewrite Prompt : horrific

in #freewrite5 years ago

I don't care how you do it.

I want those papers on my desk first thing in the morning !

Stanley stared at his boss, eyes wide and he almost believed that his mouth was wide open. His body was not in his control as such he wasn't aware that he looked at his boss in manner in which seemed rude and insubordinate.


Thankfully, neither one of them knew how to communicate with each other in a common language. Stanley could only converse in English while his boss, Francios was a typical Frenchman. But the body language was obvious to everyone that they disliked each other.

Francois.. I won't be that horrific person to call Sandra at this moment when she just had a miscarriage and is still grieving for her loss child. Please have some compassion in your heart and a little patience won't kill the deal. Afterall, the dateline isn't till another week.

Francois slammed his fist down on the table and walked out of the room.

Stanley thought he had won the battle but he was so wrong. Pete from HR walked in and passed an envelope to him.

I'm sorry, man.. But you're fired.

This same situation had occurred many times over in the last few months ever since Francois came on board. Somehow or rather he seemed to have some veto power to do whatever he wanted. And no one could go against him if not it's door that's what they will be looking at next.

If it wasn't for the good pay and great benefits that the company offered, no one would stay on. Sadly, many of the new recruits never lasted more than six months no matter how they tried. It just wasn't worth it.

Stanley packed his bag and before he left the workstation, he dropped by Francois' office. Walking in calmly, he looked at his former boss and said,

Francois... You're an XXXXX & I hope one day you will face the same music, and worst for what you've done to each and everyone of us ! It's not our loss for leaving but YOURS !

bad gif.gif



Love that punchline.... his loss is right!

Having a similar battle with my work so I relate to this story, great freewrite ❤️

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Actually this story is close to what I had just gone through.. That's why I could relate to it in such detail

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I’m certain it’s something anyone with a little self-respect will be faced with eventually 😉

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Some would say that kind of people have it coming (devine justice or the like). Sometimes it is a bit delayed, like 40 or 50 years delayed, which does not taste like justice at all to me :)
Pity we have that kind of bosses in so many work places.

It is true.. And I've just witness it few days ago from a wealthy and overly arrogant entrepreneur. Makes me wonder why those under HER still worships her and are like puppy dogs

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Good for him, getting the last word in.

🎊 Thursday's Prompt Below 🎉

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Stanley is a fighter to the end👍

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Good little spill sweets, tho, have to admit, the Skeletor is good click bait😂😎

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Ha ha... I couldn't find a better resemblance of Francois but when I saw Skeletor... I just knew it this was HIM....

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