Yard Sale -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago

For https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/day-109-5-minute-freewrite-monday-prompt-yard-sale

Hector and Geraldine had too much stuff. "Let's have a yard sale!" They said to each other siultaneously.

Since they were in agreement, they had a yard sale. All of their clothes and books and furniture went out in the yard.

Cassandra walked up. "I'd like to buy your yard."

"Our yard isn't for sale, the stuff on it is for sale." Said both Geraldine and Hector simultaneously.

"Oh. But this is all junk." Said Cassandra.

"No it isn't," Said Hector and Geraldine simultaeneously.

"Look at this fork," Said Geraldine, without Hector. "This fork was made in Germany in the 1800s. It's old and old things are never junk."

"Oh, that is very cool," said Cassandra, "How much is that?"

"That isn't for sale," Said Hector, "It's too cool. We shouldn't have put that out there."

The sun was setting. "What is for sale, then?" Asked Cassandra.

Hector and Geraldine looked around them. "All this stuff is precious to us. None of it is for sale."

"What about that scarf you're wearing?" Cassandra asked.

Hector and Geraldine sold Cassandra the scarf. And all their clothes. They were completely naked, but they had all their stuff.


Haha! Loved this. So hard to part with the things that mean more to us than the things on our backs. Love it!

I love the ending!! Best yard sale ever!!

That is silly. But I can see it happening... lol. Thanks for sharing.

..they saved their books! Amen!

I really enjoyed this one. Perfect.

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