Texas -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago

For https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/day-172-5-minute-freewrite-wednesday-prompt-texas

Texas. I visited Texas for the first time I don't know when. But one of the times I visited Texas, we went to...

My wife's cousin's wife's step-father's ...
Ugh. This is a freewrite and I just distracted myself with trying to trace it exactly. If I remember correctly, it was my step uncle in law in law.

You know. Everybody has one of those. We were in New Orleans on our big, "We don't have a home!" tour of the U.S. which we called our Busking Journey, and which we were at that moment in time, unbeknownst to us, about to just let be our hitchhiking journey so we wouldn't have to worry about busking. Sometimes things are harder than you expect them to be. Sometimes you're not very good at things that you thought you were at least ok at. I digress.

We were in Texas and it was Thanksgiving, and we played football in the cul de sac. Did you know that cul de sacs actually are less safe to be in, car accident wise, than other streets? I vaguely remember something like that, but it might not be true. Maybe it was just that traffic is... or something. You know what? This is one of the biggest problems with freewrites, you can't fact check yourself. It's also one of the greatest reliefs of freewrites.

It is unfortunate that most people in arguments also follow the same rules and don't

Well now I'm just making things up. I have no statistics to back up, "most people in arguments". I'm the worst.

I have no statistics to back up, "I'm the worst". Let's transition to fiction. Maybe fiction will save me from myself. Oh. I'm nearly out of time. Just a few more seconds until the beep.

I have to be honest with you. I'm lying. There will be no beep. I'm just glancing at the clock occasionally. When it says 1:39, I know I'm done. And I will keep writing until it does.


Great stream-of-consciousness writing. Got a wonderful sense of yourself - or your character - looking back, while at the same time firmly rooted in the moment. I think that's the key to making these types of writes work for the reader. Cheers :)

I love the way your freewrites (or at least some of them) get chaotic and strange, i just love that you jump from one thing to another. Very improvisational of you :P
I always enjoy reading your stuff, @improv!

Anyhow, I'm in charge of delivering today's prompt, so here ya go:


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I love the way this one wandered around and then staggered to a stop.

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