Tear Floss -5minutefreewrite
For https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/day-81-5-minute-freewrite-prompt-i-floss-my-tears
10 9 eight seven sic
my tears are flowing across the floss. I remember a time when there was no pain with him but the drum and the fife ofi pfife orifice..
There's a lot of tooth pain that I didn't used to have.
But why don't I see a dentist? After all, dental care is covered by Denti-CAL, the california low income health care plan that I have. Why? Because the pain came from the dentist, and now I don't trust the dentist. I don't trust dentistry!
I had no problems with my teeth. But my wife had problems with hers, so she went and got crowns that she knew she needed. They were expensive because, for some reason, Denti-cal won't cover crowns, only extractions for things like that. UGH but fine, the world is unfair. Anywhoodles, she suggested I get a check up since it had been a while. The dentist, who seemed to only be glancing cursorily at the xray proclaimed that I had 12 cavities!
It's true, I wasn't flossing, but also I was baffled. Wait go back. I wanted to tell you about how they all acted skeptical before they had even looked at anything that I was there at the dentist to just get a checkup. I was like, aren't I supposed to go every 6 months or something? They were all like, where's the pain, and I was like, I have no pain.
Ugh times up. Point is, I let her drill in my mouth, and now I have pain and I've had it for months, and it started as she was drilling so I know it's because of that not in spite of that, and I hate having trusted THE WORLD that says I should go to the dentist. UGH.
nice #freewrite especially for such a tough prompt!
Yeah, it threw me for a loop for a second.
Man I hate dentists. Not dentists themselves, per se, but their art. Although, you are what you do, more than what you eat, so perhaps I hate dentists after all.
I have been awarded the opportunity to read all of these tooth-and-tear based free-writes. Fortunately they are all wonderful so it's not like pulling teeth. That's the best pun you'll be getting from me today. I have the back of my mind working on a civil-rights-movement pun, but that's a tough task.
Here's the link for freewrite 82:
I agree it's tough. I think the super challenge would be to shed some light on important issues, but I think being lighthearted and simply punning on a name works. Less pressure, too.
Make it a day ON. (stage)
sorry to hear about your tooth!!