Strange -5minutefreewrite (x3)

in #freewrite7 years ago

There were 17 cats living in Larry's basement. He's a cat himself. A cool cat. You can't imagine his surprise to learn his brethren were living in his basement. "How'd they get in?" They walked in, naturally. Larry, being a cool cat, always left his door unlocked.

There was one cat, Brenda, who had no thoughts of her own. She just repeated what the other cats said. "The movies are lame," one cat would say. "yeah, totally lame" she'd reiterate. Brenda had a secret, though. Secretly, she thought it would be neato bandito to go street-hopping.

Larry liked to take long walks that he called street-hopping. He'd start on one street, and then, turn right on another, and left onto a parallel street. He'd try to get home without using the same street twice.

On Tuesday, she asked me the most peculiar question. I arrived. This was a goddamn story about people in the third person, and then, apparently, I arrived. I immediately left, so that they could get one with their story. She asked me a question as I was going, though, "Do you make us do the things we do, or do you just record what we've already done?" Goddamn meta analysis. I shuddered and didn't answer, hurrying away from my fictional characters as quickly as I could. but then there she was again, street hopping. THIS HAS BEEN DONE MANY TIMES BEFORE, I shouted silently to myself. Stranger than Fiction, for one.,,, so many others. I need to get out of here. So I rented a boat and rowed to the middle of the pond. But there I was, narrating my own life. I couldn't escape it. Suddenly, there was no knowledge of what Brendan or Larry did or liked or thought. There was only my own inescapable doings. I couldn't stop myself from just being me and writing about me and thinking about me and saying things about me and waiting waiting waiting for the next prompt so that I could, theoretically at least, escape from the

The way Herb defrosted the refrigerator was rather unexpected. He did it from top to bottom. First he turned it off, naturally, but then he left the fridge part closed and opened the freezer part. No, I don't know why he did it that way, instead of opening all the doors at the same

Oh shit. You can see me? NO! Herb. Look at Herb. He's going to meet Larry and Whatshername, Frida? No, Brendan. NO that's me! Brenda. No n. Just Brenda. He'll meet them in two shakes of a lamb's tail. Just look at him for the nonce. For the moment. Nonce means moment. I think. Look at him, and look, here they come.

"Defrosting your fridge?" Said Brendan?


"Defrosting your fridge, said Brendan" said Brenda

WHY do you think choosing a name similar to yours would result in any sort of easy typing? Who are you asking?
"Herb! Pay attention!" Said Larry.

"But... behind you..." said herb, reaching a shaking hand towards me and pointing. His face wen slack, and he suddenly dropped to the


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