Prototype -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago



Grab the keys to the new Brendan prototype. He's freshly laundered, and can run on three different kinds of soup.

Care and Usage

Congratulations! Your Brendan comes with the latest in self-cleaning technique. Just provide him access to water and soap, and, except during power outages, you won't have to worry about cleaning him.*

*If your Brendan experiences food poisoning, extra upkeep may be required.

Now that you have a Brendan, you can use him for tasks like dish washing, childcare, and grocery shopping. He's also capable of following a career trajectory that will give you opportunities to say things like, "Congratulations." and "Don't worry, honey."

-Not that anyone has ever told me not to worry...-

In case of an emergency, your Brendan can escape on his own.

Be forewarned, Brendans do get tired if they don't get enough sleeeeeeeeeepeeepepepepepekjhflkjh

Oh. This Brendan is malfunctioning. It's...tired? Or something.

Good bye.


I could have used a few extra Brendans when my kids were small. I think. I'm not sure about the 'food poisoning' part, though. Does that mean he needs to be fed, too???

That reminds me of the movie Multiplicity with... Michael Keaton back in the 80's probably. God, I'm so old. ANYWAY, great freewrite!

@byn I've seen it, and I'm not old! Multiplicity came out in 1996! Millennials have seen it! You must not be old.

Ah! I'll take it, then. I can't be that old yet. PHEW!

I could use a Brendan for cleaning and gardening and such. Better one that doesn't need to be fed so we can avoid the food poisoning. He can sleep some.... 🤪

@mariannewest But if he doesn't eat, how will he be able to know if the food he's cooking for you is delicious or not?!

have to work on that prototype that it has the right sensors and just knows LOL

So where do I buy Brenda? Hehe

Brendan, where are you? Laundry needs to be washed. Thank you!

@elizacheng Done! presents burned, haphazardly folded clean laundry to you

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