Players -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago



I have played many games over the years. The first time I knew that I was destined to be a player of games was when I was playing monopoly, a game I knew many people hated, and I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the challenge of making good deals that were beneficial to both parties and not to whomever wasn't involved in the deal. That's the big challenge. It's hard to convince people that they're getting equal value. Everybody overestimates the value of their own holdings and underestimates the value of others' or they can see the benefit that someone else will get in a deal, but they can't see the benefit to themselves. This is problematic.

Now I play mostly games that involve other strategic problem solving. Things that don't require other players to agree with your choice. It's not as much an exercise in negotiations, which I think is a key to developing useful social skills, but it still does what games are intended to do, engage the brain in activity and give it rewards for being such a useful organ.

There's laughter and joy all around us. There's paper and plastic all around us. There's sleep all around us... closing in. Filling us with...

I know I know. It's so cliche. Parents are always sleepy. We really gotta do something about that.


We played a lot of Monopoly while growing up and my mother and I would "do business," meaning trading properties. It was pretty easy for us to eliminate the others, but then we were left to battle it out :)

I love solving strategic puzzles! What is your favorite strategy game, besides Risk?

I'm actually bringing today's prompt:

@wordymouth My FAVORITE? Probably Magic: the Gathering, but also Revolution! 7 Wonders, Lords of Waterdeep, Castles, and Catan

My son and I actually play this quite frequently on his PlayStation. There is an electronic version that is a lot of fun.

Yeah, I've played some online. It certainly goes faster!

I should probably play online, that would get me better at the game!

I should probably
Play online, that would get me
Better at the game!

                 - wandrnrose7

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

@wandrnrose7 Maybe, but monopoly is such a social game, you really need to also just learn the habits of the people you're playing with.

I grew up playing games as entertainment. No TV 😄

I also didn't have TV, but my parents didn't really like games except chess.

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