Paper -5minutefreewrite
As a youth, how many of us ate Paper? All of us? Yes, we did. Paper is fibrous, and we should expect some incredible things from our paper eating. This is how creativity is born. We ask the important questions, like, "is this edible?" and we come upon some unexpected further questions as we answer the first, like, "what is edible?" after all, I can eat paper, and I will not die. I don't actually know if I process any of the nutrition from it, but I might some, right? And if the fact that I don't get anything out of it makes it inedible, is, then, diet soda also inedible. What is the purpose of things? is it their intended purpose or the purpose for which they are actually used?
I have a paper due monday... Yesterday was MONDAY! Oh no, my paper is late. Good thing I can pretend really well. I'll pretend that I died yesterday. Yes, they won't insist that a dead man turn in his paper.
Whew. I feel very smart.
Time to go get the crying baby, but also one more minute in my freewrite. I can give it that long... Here. Let's count the seconds one two three
AAA whew.
I ate paper, yes, I did! I agree, diet soda is inedible. Give me fully leaded, please! Awesome selfie, @improv!
@wandrnrose7 Thanks! What other inedible things do you eat?
I've eaten paper more recently than would be wise to admit. Good to know you wouldn't be judging.
@malloryblythe It's a fun thing to do with your mouth while you wait for the next meal time!
I ate a lot of things when I was a child: paper, leafs, bark, soil, plastic, glue, rubber, some flies (when riding a bicycle with an open mouth)... I'm still alive (I guess)!
@marcoriccardi Most of those are full of nutrition! Especially flies!
paper and paste........had to have tried both at least once to say you are really alive LOLL