Nose Hair -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite7 years ago


There's nothing



Chuck hated his nose hairs. He knew it was cliche to be an older man and to hate his nose hairs, but that didn't stop him. They tickled, but plucking them was so incredibly painful, but also very fulfilling, and trimming them was unfulfilling and tickled. He also thought they must be doing God's work, because why else would God have put them there? Really, why do any Christians use any cosmetics, from shaving to plucking to... all of it? God made you that way. Of course, you still have to shower. Why did God make it so you have to shower? Why did God do any of it? Maybe the whole plucking, shaving thing was ok. If God thought showers were good, maybe all of it was good. Or maybe God didn't really care any which way. That must be it, thought Chuck. He made us all, but then let us make our own choices. So, no one should be shamed for doing anything because it was all God's plan. Were atheists God's plan? Maybe atheists were really people; maybe they were Satan's minions, sent to test our faith. Of course. That was it. If someone turned away from God, well... oh, but how can you tell the doubting Thomases from the actual atheists?


and that, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call the road less traveled. and all that from nose hairs.
good stuff!

I know, right? So great what comes from this prompts!! And we can always count on improv to take us to the unexpected!!

Yes, how can you tell the real ones from the fake atheists? hmmmm

his beautiful postings, stop by my account and upvote him

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