Naked Baby -5minutefreewritesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #freewrite5 years ago


Naked BABY! Naked baaa-aaa-by!

It’s a song we sing as we take the child to the bathtub. It doesn’t happen every night, like many songs do, because sometimes we get him undressed in the bathroom, and then there isn’t enough time to sing that. Though sometimes we sing it elsewhen. We also sing “It’s bath time for lochlan, it’s bath time for laaa-oochlan. It's bath time for loch lan. It’s bath time for loch och lan.”

It would probably make more sense if you heard that. And, of course, it took me longer to type out that it should have, because I was singing it, and the song has those long vowels, and they take longer to sing than to type.

I wonder, on an almost daily basis, if other people make up as many songs that they then sing regularly to their kid. Like, I know lots of people make up songs for their kid, and that lots of folks sing regular songs to their kid, but how many set in stone the songs they’ve made up and then sing them the same way? Also, why is it easier to sing some things that to say them? Is it because it’s more fun? Or is it because we’re not sure our kid speaks English well enough to understand us, and so it feels like it doesn’t matter if someone understands a song, but it’d feel a little bad to be speaking and knowing that the person you’re talking to isn’t really listening to you.

Yep. I think it’s that for me at least. Don’t get me wrong, I love singing to @loch, but I think a part of it was, maybe not anymore, but was that I knew he didn’t know the words anyways, but we’re still talking to him and so singing felt less fruitless.

We had a good day together, he and I. Well, first, Stina let me sleep in because after work last night, there was a party, and I had just been saying, “I want my friends to be my friends so I should do things with them more.” and she said, “then go to that dang party” and tonight she’s going to a party, so hooray for us doing dang things with friends. So I slept in and then they came in together and we all hung out for a while until it was time for me to go to my volunteering gig. I’ve been reading to kids in classrooms for 4 years now! It’s been a long time. So fulfilling. I know it’s cheesy to say, but it really is fulfilling. Today, while I was reading, one of the kids came up and gave me a hug. And I said, “thank you for the hug, would you sit, so I can keep reading?” and she said ok and sat back down. Weird, funny, wonderful. I love helping in this way.

And then when I got home I worked on the story @stinawog and I are writing for @steemfiction. That felt very fulfilling, too, because, well, because I really like it. It just keeps getting better and better, and that makes me very happy. Still don’t know how it ends, though. Like, we have an ending, but it’s just there because the story isn’t done being told. So much more to happen.

And then I took Lochlan to the library and then the park, and he was happy and enjoyed both things and played well with other kids, and there were lots of fun kids and the parents were nice to talk to, too.

I didn’t set a timer.

This picture makes me dizzy. I took it, and I love that it makes me dizzy.



It sounds as if you are enjoying parenthood, and that is important! Of course, there are bad days and rough moments, but if most of it is enjoyable, that's a real blessing. We have a tradition of making up songs for many occasions, and for no occasion at all. Usually we borrow a tune from a familiar song and re-do the lyrics, quite spontaneously. The results are often hilarious.

I think singing reaches different parts of the brain. And so does barking. BB says hello :)

Singing IS less fruitless than speaking.
My family had a made up song that never changed, but the syllables were jibberish. It would take me too long to type! lol
I;m glad you didn't set a timer

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I didn’t set a timer.

Same spirit that leads you to sing to your child. There's no hurry. It's joy. Every moment. Wow, lucky kid. Lucky you that you know it now, before the time is gone.

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