Lucky -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago

I had barely stepped out of the church when I felt the first drop on my head. I looked up. Clear sky. That's when it hit me... well, it had already hit me. Bird doo doo.

I felt betrayed. I had always been kind to birds.

But then I remembered, there was that one time an especially loud chickadee had woken me up and I called it a nasty name.
But then I remembered, that chickadee and I had worked it out after I wasn't so grumpy. We had a nice chat, both took responsibility for our actions, and left as friends.
So then I remembered, some folks think getting bird doo doo is a lucky sign. I was so relieved that I immediately went to the neighborhood convenience store and bought a megaball. So sure was I of my impending good luck, that I tried to spend the as-yet-unwon lottery money on stuff that I had been sad about for decades. I withdrew my life savings (which totaled $5000) and told my landlord to stick it, and put the $5000 into hiring an accountant to help me manage my winnings and find a mansion to live in.

The accountant was the first one I found. After all, if I was lucky, this first one would be the best one. And considering how much money was coming my way, a flat fee of $5000 was the absolute luckiest find I could find.

Some people can eat beans with abandon and never suffer side effects. And then there's Jerry. Jerry is my accountant. She loves beans, and... I know I know you're thinking about farts. But the side effect for her is sweat. She sweats a lot when she eats beans. But that's normal for someone with a bean allergy. Which is what she haves. Haves? Has. She has a bean allergy, but not the epipen kind, just the, "my body thinks it's coming down with a very mild cold, you know what it probably is? not enough sleep. I might even be dehydrated. Nothing to worry about." But it's beans, of course. She doesn't really acknowledge it, and it's hard for me to be sure if she really knows, or just exudes confidence.

Because she is very confident. Also a little shady. After she took my $5000 in cash, she walked down an alleyway. Luckily she came back, but she has yet to do any accounting, because the entirety of my income/outgo cash flow was $5000 from my savings, expenses $5000 to Jerry for accounting services to be determined.

Remember that not all is sweet. Sometimes you think you're under the spell of a good luck charm, and it turns out to be just a normal day. But you can make any day extraordinary. You have that power. One way to do it is to give it your all. Put all your eggs in one basket and fling that basket from a window on the 10th floor. If you're lucky, those eggs will hatch and turn out to have been eagle eggs or chickadee eggs instead of chicken eggs, and they'll grow into adult birds and fly away before the basket smashes on the ground.

You don't know.

So the day of the megaball came and went, and, honestly, I had forgotten about it by then because, and boy how things can flip in a minute, since I didn't have a place to stay anymore. I'd decided that, I was sleeping on the street. It was a lot harder to make days extraordinary really, even after just 1 night on the sidewalk.

It was pretty cold, and the cold makes me forgetful (like beans make Jerry sweaty.) And so here I am today, wondering if you can give me money for my winning megaball ticket. I confess, I haven't, like, checked the numbers or anything, but


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