Fool -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago


Fool of a took!

Fool of a man

Think about today.

Think about the fooling. There's a yellow beverage to my right. It's orange juice. You better be careful, or the orange juice will fill you from head to toe. It'll push all your other fluids out of the way, and you will become the golden bow. You will find a golden road, and you will follow follow follow it for far tooo long. WHen you finally reach the ed, you will be an old man. You will have no time left to enjoy your youth. You will realize you were a fool for allowing the golden golden golden to drive you, draw. you.

Today is what you have right now. We chase and worry about coins and mana from heaven. I know we need material. I know we do, but we can't help but lose when we played the rigged games. SO we don't instead we play the games we create. We don't always win, but at least we always know they're fair. And if we lose too often, we start a new game. Everyone gets a game they can win The game I can win is Lords of Waterdeep. Unless I start playing with Charlie. He beats me at almost everything. I'm beginning to think he's just better than me in all ways, but that's ok, because he's so dang wonderful, I don't grate at it at all. In fact, I am honored to lose to him. He is a better me, which is already pretty great.

There's a toad in my pocket, and I want to give it a safe home. It has a rock to sit on and a lily pad to dream on and a


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Hi! Loving FYI: There's no obligation (nor even a challenge) to include the prompt in a freewrite!

There's no obligation to ANYTHING! FREEWRITES FREEEVER! :P

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