Delicate -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago


Be careful! Careful!

Get a... ha that this is the word.

You are fine. And so I'm Trying not to stop typing while I also listen to you.

Oh Kay. Delicate. Like a delicatessen. They offer sandwiches on bread that falls apart There's there there there there

ooo, I like how my fingers move across there there there there there
t, h with the other finger, and then ere right next to the t.

therer there there ther there there there therre

Fun. Fun to type delicately with just my index fingers. It's probably not as efficient, but it sure is fun.

Good thing this is a freewrite and I don't need to ask myself if it's any good or not, because it's really just superficial thoughts. La deed a dadadad

Ha how about another word? Like deli. Yum. No. I need to keep my mind off food and on water. Stina (@stinawog) read the other day that water... that you should drink 2-4 glasses of water in weather like we've been having. It's been very hot and dry, and humans are delicate creatures that need a lot of different things to be right in their environments for them to survive. They aren't like bacteria that can survive in some sort of hibernative state until the right conditions come along. It has to be the right conditions all the time. They have to be alive the whole time or they're really dead forever not just a little bit. Very delicate.


Thanks! Excited to meet you!

Whirlwind write, as always. I must admit, I often think of food when I hear delicate, but I thought that was just me being greedy :D

I sure hope you don't quit your freewriting journey just now, so I brought along this newest prompt.

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