Carnation -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite5 years ago


What in CARNATION?!?

Oh no, the car nation has invaded pedestrian nation, and there are bodies littered everywhere. Not auto bodies, of course, people bodies. We have no hope. Their violent force overwhelms us, and though they will eventually destroy themselves, we will be gone before them. There will be nothing left but lava and burning skies.

All is lost.

Then arises a mighty savior, and our world is saved by the discovery of magic. The cars sputter and grind. No longer does gas combust. No longer can carbon belch into the sky. We are saved. Our lives will be weary and difficult, but we will survive to reach the other stars. Nanomachines will scrub methane from the skies. Life will flourish. Plants will scrub carbon. Rain will fall. We will live.

But no, arising from the ashes of the car nation is a terrible dragon. She consumes the earth entirely and then the sun, and as she grows, she threatens the fabric of physics. Nothing we know can survive her fury.

Goodbye universe, it was nice knowing you. We shall not be sad, because we shall never have ever existed.

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