Bored Stiff -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

Tall, Adonis-looking fellow staring over the heads of the crowd at the Louvre. It's easy for him to see the Mona Lisa. No challenge there. Kim leaps, camera held aloft, trying to get just one blurless photo. Impossible. She waits impatiently for the natural ebb of the crowd so she might flow into a front space.

Hours later, after a dozen too eager tourists have cheated her of her opportunity, she arrives... and is disappointed. She thought in person it would be much more interesting, but no... it looks the same. There's an unadmired orgy of landscapes and demons and grapes just a few rooms over. It fascinated Kim. This? This is just a lady. There really shouldn't be such a big deal made about it.

The Adonis-looking fellow catches her eye are she exits, analyzing her own non-reaction to great art. Maybe she's not a real appreciate-er. Maybe she doesn't feel that jolt that would make her soul soar if she did have something more.

The Adonis sees her catch his glance... and vanishes.

Now that's good art.



I had a similar experience with the mona lisa..very good free writing dude! Oh btw..following you was mandatory with a picture like that :-P

Nice job in five minutes to craft that little story.

Thank you so much for being the instigator of this freewrite adventure. Let's see where it takes us! Already to France - not bad :)
If you want to use the graphic - here it is Imgur
Just put the ! in front. I am planning on posting 6 more in the next 6 days. Then you can. But if you don't feel like it, let me know. I am going to get a bunch of prompt posts ready offline.

A good example of free writing.
(The only thing you are missing here, if I may suggest, according to Steemit rules and to stay on the safe side is the source link for the images used in the article.)

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