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RE: Radio Show -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago

I was going to comment, but then I got to watching the show. Oh my God, @improv, you're so talented!! Not that I didn't know that from your stories already, but you're an amazing improviser <3 And I have seen a fair few ;) Seriously, watching this makes me wish you lived here, you know? A, 'cause you'd rock the improv scene here and B, 'cause I'd love to come see you :D Seriously, love this show!!
How long have you been doing improv theatre?


Ah, and I loved the story also, I wish there was more of it! And you got me to take my vitamins, which I guess means it's really good writing? :D

That's the goal of all good writing.

Posted using Partiko Android

Aw! Where in the country do you live?
I was introduced to improv when I was a kid, but I only got ... "Serious" about it less than 5 years ago.

Posted using Partiko Android

Bucharest, the capital :D We have quite a large improv scene (I did some improv theatre for about two years and I recently stopped) and we have some really good actors, but also a lot of posers (IMO).
Wow, 5 years is a lot :O Congratulations! <3

I had no idea! What are the names of some of the improv theatres? Is it all in Romanian, or are there English performances? We'll have to come when we're next in Romania!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, you will! Now I'm holding you to that :P Hmm, there's Recul which is the closest thing we've got to an actual improv theater. Other than that, it's just improv troupes that play shows...Backstage Boys, iELE (all-boys respectively all-girl groups), very good. We do have "mixed" troupes, of course, but I think these are the best.
There are some shows in English, yes, although I have yet to make it to one :D
Knowing some of the people in them though, I assume they're quite good! :)

Sounds like you're very connected to the improv scene! My friend lives in Suceava, so not SO close to Bucharest, but we can surely make a day trip of it.

Could be fun ;) Bucharest sure has some nice things to see! :D
I'm not that connected, but I've been doing it for about two years and I've been to various classes and met most of the people...some awesome, some phony :D

Sounds connected to me! Are you on a team that has a fun name?

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