Weekend Freewrite experiment

in #freewrite5 years ago

I have been told I must do this, so here is my first, very clumsy attempt.

“You don't have many options,” Oliver said. “You already paid the registration fee for 12 days of horseback riding in the mountains. She nodded and sighed. She had planned this vacation months ago, and now a tree had fallen on the house and she couldn't leave until the contractor showed up to fix the giant hole in the roof. And everybody knows what it's like waiting for a contractor to show up. She would have to forfeit her deposit, but not having yard debris in the living room anymore seemed like a good trade-off. By the time she got back home, it had started to rain, which added to the misery that used to be the couch. Where am I going to sit and read the paper now? The contractor's truck pulled into the driveway as she was having this self-pitying thought. He grunted a little as he heaved himself out of the cab and made his way towards the house. He looked reliable, and manly, and maybe just competent enough to handle this job. She felt her spirits lift just a little bit as she watched him studying the hole in the front of the house.

He threw her a nod. “I think my wrist is broken.” What was this now? “I'm sorry, could you say that again?” she said. He repeated this nonsense. “I was doing a job last week and I fell off the ladder. I thought it was just a sprain, but now it clicks whenever I move it. I think it's broken. I don't think I will be able to fix your house after all. Too bad, since it's raining and everything.” She just stared at him in blank confusion that slowly morphed into the kind of smoldering anger that is normally reserved for political discussions and family reunions. “What am I supposed to do now?” she demanded. He sighed and scratched the back of his neck with what was presumably his good hand. “I can't say. Call someone else? Nail a tarp over the hole?” He ambled back to his truck and drove away.

She went back into the soggy and tree-filled house, gazing in despair at the sodden mess on the floor. There was her vintage coaster set, and yesterday's newspaper, and, inexplicably, a filled in crossword. Now where on earth did that come from? She never did the crossword, since her dyslexia made the clues too confusing. Whoever had done this one had done it in pen. Totally mystified, she picked it up and studied the handwriting to see if it looked familiar. With a start and a cold feeling in her spine, she recognized the writing. It was Joe's, the creepy neighbor who kept asking her on dates and who she kept politely refusing. The sheer number of cats in his house was enough to keep her on her own side of the fence. Joe must have broken into the house and done the crossword. What a horribly stalker-like thing to do! Her hands shook as she picked up the phone to call the police. And then another contractor.


You did absolutely wonderful - and you said it was the first attempt? Wow, I am impressed. I started with the single prompts and could hardly get a coherent thought down in 5 minutes the first time I tried it. I called it "timer intimidation". Then I felt like I had to make a really good story and used more than the 5 minutes, which defeats the purpose of the 5 MINUTE FREEWRITE! But I hardened my resolve, set the timer, and by using the exercise the way it was meant to be, I think it really helped with my writing of other things. Anyway, sorry for rambling on your post - I just meant to say GREAT JOB!

Thank you! I looked at a couple of the single prompts and my mind went blank like a Zen master on a silent retreat. Total failure! I will keep trying and see if I can get something to stick. Thanks for your encouragement!

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Nicely done @goat-girlz. You left us with lots of suspense. 😂

Hahaha about the cats. :)
Other than a few more paragraphs to help me stay on track, I think it's a good piece of work. :-)

Yeah, it turns out that five minutes isn't very long!

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No, it really isn't.

I'll keep practicing. I was writing that with four puppies and two kittens romping in the room with me. Next time I'll try it earlier in the morning before they get up!

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Hahaha! Yeah, that's fun. What, you get up before they do?! I didn't know that was possible - especially with the kittens.

I get up at 4. The dogs get up at 7:30. Lazy little boogers.

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You are amazing!!! Of course we've all been after to you to take up freewriting, having seen how beautifully you write about every-day life and little goats. This, though - you call this a "first" attempt and "very clumsy" - what are you, a J.K. Rowling in hiding? A famous writer in cognito, hiding on a goat farm?
Lines like this just don't come from amateurs: the kind of smoldering anger that is normally reserved for political discussions and family reunions. Wow! I am in a aw!e (The envy, I'm trying to shove aside to make room for some self confidence.) :)

I know! I'm green with envy too! I can see @goat-girlz mind doing the dance as I read it.
I'm totally performance anxiety ridden now!
And she starts with a weekend freewrite no less.
@goat-girlz likes and rises to a good challenge apparently.

And she starts with a weekend freewrite no less.

Yeah, I was trying not to think about that part too. FIRST freewrite, AND a 3-parter. Gaaaahhh!!!
But don't you go getting intimidated. You are a born writer. I'm convinced @goat-girlz is a secret now-in-hiding best selling novelist. :) No other explanation will allow me to retain a shred of dignity as a writer!

Sheesh, you guys! Thank you so much for all the praise! I was totally winging it, running into the kitchen every five minutes to restart the timer. It was pretty fun, I have to say. I will definitely try it again.

I am beginning to rue the day we encouraged you to write more. You had distractions, no less, and it was FUN, you say, and you wrote such a clever tale so swiftly. Ok, if you're really the 82-yr-old **Don DeLillo (born November 20, 1936), “the chief shaman of the paranoid school of American fiction”, I guess I'll feel honored to be in such good company. :)

Sadly, I only dream of being Don DeLillo. He's a bit of a hero of mine. Next weekend should be calmer. Only four dogs, and the kittens have moved out! Maybe I will be able to make it a little longer.

You're channeling one of the best, if "channeling" (being inspired by) is the right word. You have a gift! Don't work it too hard - just let your thoughts run free, and later, see about revising, tightening, or expanding. :)

It felt like really good exercise. I wasn't sure if I could pull off fiction, but once I finished the first sentence it just came out. Very cool feeling! I need to figure out where to find the daily prompts. Freewritehouse?

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I'm actually Don DeLillo.

Wonderful! Its not clumsy at all!
Excellent use of the prompts! Fabulous last line to tie the three parts together!
When you read it later you will be amazed by it.
I'm so glad you did this.

An entertaining story and you did well incorporating the three prompts so seamlessly.

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