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RE: The Trouble With Flying (Weekend Five Minute Free Write X 3)

in #freewrite6 years ago

Overjoyed might not describe it. Hesitant, willing to try, and 'what the heck did I just get myself into' are more accurate descriptors, really. :)

however, I'm still here, and Asher's leagues are the biggest reasons for that. I do get to converse people I normally wouldn't, and so that's good, and I do get to write much more than I have in a very long time, so that's good too. And over a fairly wide range of topics.

Now, if we could just get STEEM to go up some, that would be great, and if I could get faster with these five minute freewrites, that would be great, too.

re: time is up

Yeah, well, this one had fifteen minutes, so the problem here is there's more you can say and then it's over. almost better not to have such a set up because it probably should be winding down far sooner than I was able to do it this time. :)


I think longer may be better. My longer postings have been the best performers in both votes and comments. However those took a bit more time to produce. You cold have probably gone a lot longer and had retention. Seems like fiction readers always hate the story to end.

I agree about the engagement leagues. I think the biggest reason I am here is the social aspects.
Being an introvert hermit myself this is perfect for getting in a couple extra conversations per day.
You guys at the top of the list amaze me. I don't see how you ever keep up with it all. If I recall you don't even use Ginabot.

I also agree about the diversity of topic range. I could spend years here and not get bored.
You and most others seem to settle right in to a handful of regular themes to stick with. I am still all over the place experimenting with this and that.
I don't mind the low prices of Steem much. I kind of hope to come up with a little play money to buy some before it goes up too much. My SP needs a booster. My delegation ends in four weeks. Organic growth is super slow for me. Did you buy in any?
I know Dave Mcoy and a few others have had some great growth without putting anything in.
I should scroll back see what they were doing at my level. Probably boils down to posting more.

It's hard to know what to pick out as chief among what Dave has done because there's so much to look at. It's probably going to be an accumulative effect in his case.

I try not to keep within the same range of topics, but that tends to be all I get time for if I'm trying to chase janton all over the place (not literally, but you know what I mean). I probably don't need to do that as much, and maybe go back to concentrating more on getting posts out.

The problem is, people need to know you're here, and the best way to do that is to comment where they are. But you do make more on posts, and within a certain word range, and subject matter, so you need to pay attention to all of that, too. it's definitely a balance, and it's not easy to find it or maintain it, because there's always something that comes along to knock the routine off kilter.

I finally managed to get some more STEEM, so lower prices are good for that. Not so good when it comes to earnings. I do have a small investment going. Most of what you see there, roughly 75% now is investment.

I do use GINAbot. It's great. What I don't do is spend my time on Discord or private messaging. Every once is a while, but I think way too much of that happens off platform that should happen on, so I'll be the odd man out and maybe suffer because of it, but I'm okay with that. We do what we think is best, and then be happy with where the chips fall.

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