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RE: It's @stinawog's birthday -5minutefreewrite (x3) Comedy Open Mic 43

This is so beautiful. I sat down with an afternoon coffee, pondered writing a free write but decided to read some instead, (I love the weekend prompts but I'm feeling lazy.) I have actually checked out every prompt since last weekend and have written the prompt on paper and not completed. Yesterday I considered doing a catch up, week in review, I wrote down all the prompts from each day again... But it didn't happen.
I did something similar with my favourite phrases of yours the week before.
I can't find my list of @improvisms, I moved house last weekend and am still working through boxes, but they included such things as...
Botherall and botheration.
Dear heart I love that, simple but achingly beautiful.
Hope does not die at once. It dies over a thousand days. Lavender lived a thousand days in one. 💔
...only so much a dry towel... Something something... A jani analogy when she splits back into two worlds.
Fragicallity? Perhaps?

Anyway, no doubt I will not get to my response write, but I wanted to tell you that I was impacted and we'll intended.

I can't get through your posts without wanting to steel a phrase or make note of a word.


Aw! Steal them all! Phrases are like your sweetie's kisses while you're trying to work. Meant to be stolen.

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