My dream last night - A Freewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago

I had terrible bad dreams last night.

There are two kinds for me. husband leaves...cheats...never loved get the picture.

The next would be more traditional nightmares. Death, peril, scary monsters that are people or creatures.

Last night I had both.

It kicked off with my husband having an open marriage with one of of my closest friends.

He didn't understand why I was so mad. It also happened right in front of me the day after our wedding.

My ex-boyfriend was right there to comfort me through this hard time. I had to politely excuse myself. But of course this left me with a weird feeling of guilt.

This transitioned right into us fighting a dragon...I believe it was Smaug...or very similar.

It sounds silly...but the fire and destruction...our lack of skill and waiting on something bigger and better to come help was all so very real.

At one point I looked over to see the Yeti with his hair and beard ablaze with fire. He was still going though and giving me instructions. Fortunately, our kids weren't there...but our dogs were.

Right when we thought it couldn't get worse...these demon creatures showed up. They were gray in color with white eyes, and this oversized Pugsley from the Addams family had a big mallet and he swung it hitting an entire family...children and all. I thought they were all goners until they turned into demon creatures themselves with white pupils. Then they ate each other.

At that point my brain had had enough and I woke up.

My dreams are so realistic and they can leave me with a strange feeling all day.

I hope this feeling of doom...despair...with a hint of broken heart leaves me soon.

The Yeti hugged me this morning and reminded me that it's not real.

I love him.


Whaaaaaaaat!? That was creepy! I hate waking up from those dreams and you feel that presence of evil. Hope you feel some peace today! Hugs!

I know, right?! Thank you! 🤗 Writing this was very therapeutic...I feel so much better!

Good thing the Yeti was there to make the world right. I hate dreams like these. They are so very unsettling...

Yes...I'm so glad he understands. And they are so unsettling...I always wonder what brings them on.

Stress and uncertainty. Major changes in your life. Illness of a loved one. These all contribute to your sub-conscience mind to try to come to terms with what is happening to you.

But I'm not going through any major changes! Lol (Stacie says sarcastically) 😂

Yeah Right! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Am glad you are already feeling better now, stay safe out there. Dreams mostly are whatever we think the whole day. Think about things which make you happy, before you sleep that might help

That's a good idea! Thanks!

It is, You're welcome :)

LMAO Smaug??? Classic, love it!

Haha I knew it sounded silly! But really I kept thinking about how we needed to aim for the missing and loose scales!

That's scary. Dreams sure can bring up all the fears, eh? Glad you woke up to a hug and a lot of love.

Yes, they certainly can. Yeah, I'm glad he was here too!

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