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RE: Prompt of the day “Gold” - No Historical Records

in #freewrite6 years ago

Makes sense.

I wasn't so much talking about the pyramids (although quite ingenious) I was thinking about the other things the did, embalming, brain surgery, all the science they knew. I dont know enough about the other civilizations but perhaps I should start as others may have done some similar things LOL.


Well honestly the pyramids are the one part along with the other megalithic structures around the world that really emphasize the fact of lost technology. What we have found within Egypt so far does not explain where they came from and how they were built nor can we explain how we would do it today. The things that we can explain are pretty obviously discoveries through trial and error by the civilization that we know existed.

Just simply the fact that we find megalithic structures with a very similar building techniques all around the world that pre-date what the main stream narrative is pushing for the timeline of humanity says to me there’s an entire lost chapter of humanity. Then you start thinking about the stories in any of the scriptures that still remain, cataclysm’s that wipe out the entire population then relate that to discoveries found in places such as Bosnia with their pyramids being buried under ocean conglomerate as they call it which is essentially cement created by massive turmoil of the ocean and deposited onto land. Below that the structures were seemingly closed off to protect from this “flood” which says somehow the civilization had knowledge of how intense the event would be!

Essentially they don’t want us to know where we came from because we will fear our future, how long do we have to the next cyclical cataclysm? Which by the way science is starting to prove has happened several times in history but the cause of it the jury is still out on.

It's definitely mind blowing.

I actually fear the reason that may be. I have suspicions but they aren't things that I like to talk about. And so, how right you are when you say they don't want us to know.

On another note, for the sake of having this great conversation, has it ever been talked about why pyramids were chosen? Not why they are all over but why they are pyramids. It was long ago when I watched a thing about it, but they were only theories. I'm wondering if it's still just theories. I am curious about all this. I need to make time to look it all up.

It is very fascinating to see all these structures, how intelligent these civilizations were. They really knew so much that has taught us what we know today, makes me think a bit, if they knew of how things are for us today, if that's how they wanted things to go. I sometimes have a strange way of thinking lol. The more questions, the more we may get answers, the more we can connect the dots.

Well the structure of the pyramids designed to withstand massive cataclysm hinting at knowledge of the impending doom. But if you actually dive into the structure internally of the pyramid there is rooms that do not make sense if only thinking of the structure as a monument for the dead. Just about every pyramid out there has some form of energy emanating from it as if it is a power source then add in the existence of the Baghdad battery.

The geometry of the pyramid is laid out perfectly to be used as a collection point of energy and conversion into a form that we can more readily use. The best example of what I’m talking about is the Bosnian pyramid which has a completely detectable energy wave emanating from the top. The curious part about this energy wave is that it seemingly gets stronger the further you go from source which breaks everything we understand of physics as energy cannot get stronger but rather dissipates when moving away from source.

So far everything just leads to more questions but I do believe that’s largely because of the suppressed information.

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That is awesomely amazing. The grandeur of it all. How did they come to understand that and know it? You are right on how it leads to more questions. I know have some. I love this stuff, so where do we go to find some of these answers... that is available to us of course.

I'm loving this conversation, thank you for sharing this with me ^_^

I assume the only answers we will get will be from what is not being told! Lack of information can be used as a confirmation of information.

Have you ever looked into the mathematical analogy of the information scribd into the structure of the great pyramid of Egypt? Mathematical equations that relate deeply to our entire solar system and accurately depicting measurements that we today have only learned about through our development of technology! The only way it would be possible for them to have an understanding of our solar system is if they themselves traveled or were given information one way or another.

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I haven't looked into it but I want to now!

The more you share with me here, the more I learn and the more I am amazed at all this.
I am on a mission this week when my kids are in school to really look all this up. This is serious stuff and highly interesting. I will let you know what I come up with if you like.

Yea for sure, it is a rabbit hole worthy of an Alice 😅

You will find yourself looking at theories by those that name themselves “Ancient Alien Theorists”. Much of what they claim seems fanciful but the details they base their theories on check out.

If we gather only the facts we are still left looking at the missing information with very few other logical conclusions possible other then what has been put forward by the “Ancient Alien Theorists”.

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Yeah, I heard about some of the Alien theories. I was hoping there would be more than that actually. I'm still going to search even through its a rabbit hole, its all interesting things that I enjoy talking about, and with more information, it creates for better conversations ^_^

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